A Piece of Heaven (Allendale Four 1) - Page 73

Yep, Eric, one of the ones that’d gotten me into all of this in the first place, helped figure out Spencer’s methods for the Fakestagram and blackmail.

Eric, who’d followed me to the parking lot in his powder blue suit looking pale. Now he stood among us, pushing his glasses up his nose and looking awkward and ashamed.

“Are you okay?” Eric asked me.

I nodded.

“I was terrified he was really going to hurt you.”

None of what happened tonight had been part of our plan. No one thought Spencer would go that far but he did, and because Eric had strict instructions to follow me everywhere I went tonight, we had enough to stop him. For good.

Justin met us just inside the back door. When he saw me, my messed-up hair and torn dress, he pulled into a tight hug. “Holy shit. I couldn’t find you and this was not the plan.”

“We got him,” I said, smiling at my friend. Yeah, Justin was my friend again—although on probation. He still had a lot to prove to me, but I knew deep down he wanted me to be healthy and happy. I wanted the same

for him.

He and Eric glanced at one another, their building affection noticeable. When I told Justin I not only needed his help but Eric’s too, he didn’t fight—even offering to call and set it up.

Amber ran out of the gym and into the lobby.

“They’re about to announce the winter formal Prince and Princess.”

“Can’t we just go home?” I asked.

Amber gave me a pleading look. “Ten more minutes?”

I couldn’t say no, not after all she’d done for me. I nodded, hoping the boys got Spencer to the security officer.

“Sure, ten minutes sounds fine.” Anderson wrapped his arm around me, no longer afraid to show his affection, and together we walked back in the gym.


Our major plan had been to hijack the stage after the announcement and expose Spencer and Mark for their crimes. Obviously, that wasn’t necessary anymore, and for the first time in weeks I felt an easing of the tension in my shoulders.

The gym was dark, music soft, and everyone faced the front of the room. Ms. Hemmingway, sponsor of the dance, stood before a microphone. Glittery snowflakes hung from the ceiling and blue and white lights cast a frozen glow. It all seemed silly after the altercation in the parking lot.

I’d come for the dance and to celebrate being a high schooler. Amber was right, being here was right. Anderson didn’t leave my side. Neither did Justin. I felt safe between them.

“Time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for,” Ms. Hemmingway announced. Most of the gym groaned. The winter Prince and Princess was a silly tradition, boiled down to popular, beautiful seniors. I spied Mallory and Jennifer with panicked looks on their faces near the stage. They wanted it and wanted it bad.

“First, the Prince,” she said, opening the envelope. She stared at it for a long moment before raising her eyebrow and declaring. “We have a four-way tie. Anderson Thompson, Jackson Hall, Oliver Baldwin, and Hayden Perkins.”

Amber raised an eyebrow. She knew and that’s why she wanted us to stay.

Really, was there any doubt? The Allendale Four were the most popular boys in school. The most handsome and athletic, the most elusive. Even Ms. Hemmingway didn’t seem very surprised.

Every eye in the room searched for one of the Allendale Four. The only visible one was Anderson, who stood next to me. The grin on his face was wide.

“Go,” I said, squeezing his hand and pushing him toward the stage. The others came from the wings with wide, ridiculous grins. Hayden lifted his hands over his head in victory. Jackson crossed the stage with an easy-going swagger, like he knew he’d win all along. And Oliver just looked like a happy puppy, running circles around the stage. They welcomed Anderson from the floor with a big group hug.

Ms. Hemmingway stood before them with the crown in her hands, not sure what to do. Oliver took the crown, Jackson the sash, and Anderson the scepter. Hayden flung his arms around their necks. The student body cheered. Everyone loved these guys. I got it. I loved them, too.

With a roll of her eyes, Ms. Hemmingway turned back to the microphone, another envelope in her hands. “And our Winter Princess is…Heaven Reeves.”

The whole room fell silent—everyone except Mallory, who shouted, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Same, Mallory. Same.

Tags: Angel Lawson Allendale Four Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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