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The Road To Heaven (Allendale Four 3)

Page 11

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That time I laughed out loud. “Stop. He’s not that bad.”

“He’s worse and you know it.” Jackson smiled.

I glanced back. “What about H?”

“His agent had final approval.”


“It’s a good photo.” Although, I was pretty sure Hayden didn’t take bad photos.

Silence ebbed between us. It was the first normal conversation we’d had in years. Jackson glanced at Peyton, who was busily arranging something on the front desk while totally eavesdropping. “So, right, you want a tour?”

“If you have time.”

“For the one and only Sheena Jacobson? Why not?”

I only half-listened as they led me through the gym. Dozens of employees oversaw different sections of the operation. They’d covered everything and had all the latest trends. “Full-body workouts are really important right now,” Jackson said, leading me through the area I’d seen in the videos. Huge tires and basic weights lined the walls. “These actors want the lean cut to show off all their hard work. We handle the fitness part—their nutritionists, the rest.”

“I’m really impressed, you guys have made something amazing here.”

Oliver crossed his arms and leaned against a metal beam that reached the ceiling. “We needed to do something to distract ourselves. So we went all in.”

I stepped forward and touched the logo on his chest. I felt the quiver of his muscle.


Wrinkling my nose, I said, “You didn’t have to add me in.”

“Don’t be silly,” Jackson said. “Everything we are today is because of the bond between the five of us. I can’t imagine where we’d be if we hadn’t joined forces long ago.”

“You’d probably have a wife and three kids.” It was a joke, but I meant it. Our relationship stunted any normal follow up.

“Sounds like a nightmare,” Oliver replied. But he’s not being truthful. He wanted to get married. And kids. The whole package.

A long moment stretched between us and I finally said, “Thanks for showing me around. Seriously, I’m proud of you.”

Jackson glanced at Oliver and blurted, “Well, you got to see what we’re doing…don’t we get to do the same?”

“Yeah,” Oliver frowned. “Monster makeup? Handsome actors? Sounds pretty exciting.”

I smiled, proud of my work. “It’s fun. I never expected life to lead me down this path, but so far, it’s been great.”

“Maybe we can get together some time and hear more about it,” Jackson offered.

“Maybe we can.”

It wasn’t a guarantee, but it was the best I could give at the moment; from the looks on their faces, they seemed okay with it.

I thought I should make a break for it, but that was foolish. Oliver grabbed me with both arms and pulled me into a hug. One I’d suspected we’d both been craving for days now.

“I missed you,” he said into my ear, his breath warm and familiar.

I stared at Jackson over his shoulder. Both his hands were crammed into his pockets like he was forcing himself to stay back.

Oliver released me and I took two fumbling steps back. He looked instantly regretful and opened his mouth, obviously to apologize. I shook my head and said quietly, “I missed you guys, too,” and ran for the door.


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