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The Road To Heaven (Allendale Four 3)

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“He was just as disgusting as before. He’s learned nothing.”

“Who knew being in a small town would be so exciting?” Lea asked. “I grew up in Portland. We just, you know, did normal stuff.”

“Yeah but your normal stuff led you to that hottie in there,” Amber said, raising her eyebrows at the guys in the other room.

RJ sat on the couch in front of the massive TV, talking to the guys about sports. He looked like he fit in. Definitely could have been one of the Allendale boys in high school.

Lea looked at Amber and asked, “Since Heaven will only give me the basic details, tell me, what were they really like in high school?”

“The Allendale Four?” Amber asks, eyeing the three at the party. “First of all, they were not my type.”

“Obviously,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“I’m just saying I wasn’t one of their groupies, but,” she said, pinching me on the arm, “they were a definitely a band of their own. Hot, athletic, smart, popular—and by popular, I mean, above popularity. They didn’t have time for anyone other than themselves. Well, not until Heaven decided to break into their group and dismantle the school hierarchy in the process.”

“I didn’t break the school.”

“She totally broke the school. Turned everyone on their head. She got the Allendale Four. She won their hearts. She called out the bullies like Spencer and made them pay.”

“Damn, Heaven you were bad-ass.”

I shook my head, feeling like Amber was recreating history. “Well, they helped me, too. I was in a pretty dark place.”

“Well, I’ve been around these three enough to get why you were into them, but tell me about Anderson,” Lea said. “He’s an enigma.”

“Oh, he’s totally an enigma,” Amber said, sucking on an ice cube. “Even when you get to know him.”

“How so?”

“Well, he’s ridiculously good-looking, but you know that. I mean, his body is a fucking work of art. Like God chiseled him out of some kind of genetically enhanced marble. Wing-span like you wouldn’t believe. But he’s also super smart and incredibly motivated and loyal. But don’t forget stubborn. A complete pain in the ass.”

“Amber—” I warned. “He’s not that bad.”

“He’s definitely that bad.” She grinned and then whispered, not so quietly, “He was Heaven’s first.”

“First what?” Lea asked, slow on the uptake.

“Love. Lover. Whatever you want to call it. They’d been lusting after on

e another since middle school. The boys…they fell for Heaven later, but Anderson, he always knew.”

“Dude,” I muttered. “Too much.”

Amber took another sip of her drink, obviously not caring about revealing everything in my life. “He saved her life. Literally.”

Lea’s eyes widened. I’d told her I suffered from depression. About the cutting, but not about the boys and how they’d rescued me, time and time again. Those feelings were still a little raw, even after all this time.

I made eye contact with Jackson across the room and tilted my head at Amber. “Help,” I mouthed. She was stressed. Tipsy. She’d regret this tomorrow.

Jackson, always there when I needed him, assessed the situation quickly and swooped in. “Amber, have you seen Oliver’s wine cellar? His father spent decades collecting from all over the world. Come on, I bet he’ll give you a bottle for the wedding. Oh! Or maybe champagne for the honeymoon.” He doesn’t wait for a response, just easing her away from me and refocusing her.

Lea gave me an apologetic smile. “Sorry if she went too far. I wasn’t trying to be that intrusive.”

“It’s okay. She’s just had a long week. Her mom can be a little intense, I can’t even imagine what mine would be like planning a wedding.” I took a sip of my own drink, thinking about it. That was the first time she’d mentioned any concern about having a same-sex wedding in the area. I wondered if something happened.

“So if all that’s true about Anderson, then why haven’t you repaired your relationship like you have with Oliver and Jackson?”

“Well,” I said, weighing my words, “Amber may have a point about that stubbornness and pain in the ass thing.”

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