The Road To Heaven (Allendale Four 3) - Page 82

Once upon a time I was drowning, literally drowning, and four boys came and saved my life. I realized with startling clarity that one of us was gasping for air and it was my turn to come to the rescue.



I woke just before dawn, bed sheets twisted around my torso, after my second long, restless night. My head throbbed, the dull ache that seemed to follow me around these days didn’t make what I had to do any easier. I’d taken two days to acclimate being back in Atlanta. The first day nursing the mother of all headaches I could only assume came from dehydration and the paparazzi cameras. I’d also been sulking a little, knowing my friends were all celebrating Amber’s wedding without me. A choice I’d made, but one that hurt all the same.

Today, though, I shed all aspects of the injured Hayden Pierce and ventured back into the world of fame, endorsements, and athleticism.

I was officially forsaking my past. Before there was one foot there, a strand of my soul still attached to the others, but Sabine was right. I needed to get my head into the game. There was nothing for me in Allendale anymore—there couldn’t be.

My phone vibrated on the bedside table and I reached for it and the bottle of water.


“Hayden! You’re back!”

“I am,” I said, trying to find my voice. “How are you, Bryant?”

“Amazing now that my star client is back and ready to prove to the world he’s in tip-top condition. Tell me you’re up for it?”

“Up for what, exactly?”

“I know the first day of practice is tomorrow, but since you came early and you’ve had time to rest, there’s a small exhibition today for the Children’s Hospital down at the stadium. It’s the perfect chance to get your face back out there with a little meet-and-greet and autograph signings.”

I sat on the edge of my bed and fumbled for two more pills, taking a huge gulp of water, pretty sure the flight left me majorly dehydrated. “Sure, okay, what time?”

“Starts at one p.m. I’ll be there at noon to pick you up.”

It was only nine now. That gave me time for a quick workout and shower before he came.

“Sounds good.”

“Excellent!” Bryant sounded so happy—so pleased.

“I’ll be ready,” I said and hung up the phone. I stood, stepping over my sketch book and bag of pencils. I felt the ache of dehydration in my limbs, but there was no time to slack off now. I had to stick to my routine—focus—do everything I could to get back in the game. The charity event was the perfect opportunity to prove to everyone that Hayden Pierce, the athlete, the commodity, was back.



“Anything?” I asked as we walked through the airport.

Anderson checked his phone, scanning all the social media pages for updates about Hayden.

“Just that he arrived two days ago and met Sabine at the airport.”

“I guess we go to his apartment then—hopefully we can catch him there.”

I’d kept my mouth shut through the entire wedding, refusing to cause any sort of drama after the challenges of the prior days, but the instant Amber and Ginger drove off in the limo I gathered my boys to the side and told them my plan. There was no pushback about me going to Atlanta, only that Anderson come with me, since he still had an apartment here and knew his way around.

We caught the earliest flight, getting into the city mid-morning. I had a growing sense of urgency gnawing at my gut. Something vague, like we needed to hurry. I felt Hayden slipping through my fingers and the more I thought about him leaving without talking to me—talking to us, seemed wrong. Really wrong.

We’d already lost two years to poor communication, I wasn’t willing to let him go so easily this time.

“When he stormed out the other day, did anything else seem off?”

Anderson ran his hand through his hair. “Just that he seemed lost—maybe even confused. I’m not even sure he was upset about seeing you with the other guys. It was more like an undercurrent of anger.”

Tags: Angel Lawson Allendale Four Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024