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Starlee's Home (The Wayward Sons 3)

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They keep saying this but it’s not true. Sierra doesn’t think it’s true, either. I inserted myself in a fragile ecosystem and it crumbled. Is this what my mother always suspected?

“That’s up for debate,” I say. “How’s your dad?”

“Determined,” he says with a sigh. “I’m not sure why he decided he needed us back home now, but he’s not backing down. Unfortunately, Mrs. Delange and the court agree. He hasn’t done anything out of line. No drinking or smoking, but things are tense. I’m a little worried about Charlie.”

“How come?”

“He’s not sleeping. Dad won’t let him play online much. He’s focused on Charlie getting an after-school job, which totally cuts into his gaming time. You know focused Charlie is with the e-sports.” I nod. Focused is an understatement. “He’s got that tournament coming up at the end of the month and he’s hell-bent on going, even though there’s no way Dad will approve.”

“That sounds really tough. And you? How are you, really?”

He steps forward and captures my fingers in his. “Coping. Missing you. Missing Sierra and the guys. Lee Vines.”

“We all miss you, too.” I exhale. “I definitely miss you.”

I want to kiss him but I’m too aware that I’m on borrowed classroom time. “Are you coming back to art?” I ask again.

He shakes his head and a guilty look crosses his face. “Mrs. Delange rearranged my schedule.”


His jaw clenches. “They’re pushing hard on this, Star.”

“What? But…” A rock forms in my stomach.

“The way I see it is if we follow the rules, do everything they say, then maybe we can get back to Sierra’s. We have to prove that she’s providing a safe and secure home and that we’re willing to fight for it.”

“They really think I’m that bad of an influence?” He doesn’t answer. Just looks sad. “What about lunch? Or after school?”

“Not right now.” He grimaces.

“What about Dex and Jake?” His expression says it all and the panic from before bubbles back to the surface. “So that’s it, then.”

“No,” he replies, with conviction. “That’s not it. We’ll figure something out. Just…” he exhales loudly, “just don’t do anything rash. Be patient. Wait for us.”

He reaches for me but I’m too rattled.

“I can’t,” I say, and head back to class, trying to deal with the enormity of the situation. I hope that he’s mistaken about lunch, but he’s not. As the day progresses, it’s clear the boys are no longer in the same lunch period and Jake isn’t in P.E. They’ve vanished from the hallways, like they never existed, and I wander aimlessly, like I’ve lost all of my limbs, wondering if my mother was right all this time. Maybe life is easier alone. That way you can’t get left behind.

“Are you okay?”

Gym was over twenty minutes ago and I’m sitting on the bench in the locker room long after the other girls have left.

“Starlee?” Claire’s hand lands on my shoulder and she sits next to me. “What’s going on?”

I glance over at my friend—well, someone I think is my friend. It’s hard to know anyone anymore. Hard to trust. Her blonde hair is twisted in a series of tiny braids and then pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her makeup, as always, is on point, thick and dark, giving her an edgy look. Claire is beautiful and she’s revealed a lot about herself to me, but after the last few weeks I’m nervous about trusting people.

I wipe my nose on my sleeve. “I’m fine.”

“You are not fine.” She leans forward and says in a quiet voice, “I heard about George and Charlie. Is that what this is about?”

“I guess. Them and the other boys, too. They’re not allowed to see me anymore. I can’t go to their house or the shop. They can’t be in my classes.”

“Seriously?” She looks surprised. “That’s bullshit. Why not?”

“I’m considered an 'at risk' youth because I ran away from home last fall.” I use finger quotes at the descriptor, because it’s total B.S.

“That doesn’t seem right.”

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