Starlee's Home (The Wayward Sons 3) - Page 62

“Mom, sit down.”

She looks down at me and says, “Starlee, trust me.”

Like Mrs. Delange says, that’s easier said than done.

The judge looks at her and says, “State your name for the court.”

“Star Jones. I’m Starlee’s mother and Mrs. Nye’s daughter.” He leans back in his seat and motions for her to continue. “I’ve spoken with Sierra and, well, I think she’s just exhausted. This whole thing has been overwhelming for her. Not only has she not had time to heal from her parents' death, but she took in her brother and three other boys—then the State put her through all of this. The last few weeks have been the straw that broke the camel's back.”

“Thank you for your insight. As much as I regret saying it, the system isn’t always functional.” He sighs. “That, unfortunately, doesn’t help our current issue.”

“Judge Adams, I may have a solution,” my mother continues. He raises his eyebrow when my grandmother stands next to my mother. “We’d like to step forward and provide temporary shelter for the boys. As it’s been noted, Jake is already eighteen. The other three have birthdays coming up in the next few months. My mother has known the boys for the past two years and feels very close to them. Due to her age and obligations, I wouldn’t suggest she take this on by herself, but I’m here and willing to assist in supervision.”

“You agree to this?” he asks, Leelee. “You’re the one with residency.”

“I do. I consider them part of my family—and after sending the twins back to their father, I think you owe them one.”

The judge looks at the two caseworkers. “Do you have any objections?”

“No,” they both say, looking a little relieved. Finding four placements for older boys like this can’t be easy.

My mind swirls at the implications. Is my mother saying she’s staying? What does that mean for me? And if she’s acting as a guardian for them…

I swallow, thinking how hard it will be to hide my true relationship with the boys from her.

“I’ll sign off on ninety days.” He skims the paperwork in front of him. “That should give everyone time to turn eighteen. Mrs. Nye and Mrs. Jones will have to agree to a placement inspection and basic training.”

“That’s not a problem, Your Honor,” my mother says.

He stands and looks at each boy. “I don’t want one bit of legal trouble out of the four of you—understand?”

“Yes, sir,” they all mumble. He leaves the room and the social workers call over my mother and grandmother. The twins and Dexter leave the table and meet me and Jake at the railing splitting the seating and the court. Dexter leans over the rain and pulls me into a tight, desperate hug.

“Did you know about Sierra?” Charlie asks Dex once he releases me.

“She came to me last night. I thought maybe she’d sleep on it and change her mind. I guess not.”

“Wow,” George says. “Maybe she just needs a little space.”

Dexter nods, running his hands through his hair. “I’m not sure what just happened.”

“I think,” Charlie says slowly, “Starlee just became our foster sister.”

George smiles devilishly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh, taboo. I like it.”

“I’m happy for you guys,” I say, “but my mom, you know how she is. Or was. I don’t even know anymore.”

Jake throws his arm around me. “Babe, it’s a good thing. I’m sure there will be more rules and we’ll break them and things are going to be a mess for a while, but it’s better than the alternative.”

I nod, trying to wrap my head around it all.

The wayward sons just became my brothers.



Two Weeks Later

Tags: Angel Lawson The Wayward Sons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024