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Valkyrie's Sacrifice (Academy of Immortals 3)

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I wake to the weight of Armin’s arm slung protectively over my stomach, his face nuzzled in my neck and his body curled around mine. After we made love, we discovered that our dinner had been delivered and was waiting, covered, outside the door. Maybe it was a testament to my hunger, but hellrabbit stew wasn’t nearly as bad as it sounded. Actually, it was pretty good. With warm food in my belly and my lover safe next to me, I’d dozed off quickly.

It was the best sleep I’d had in ages.

If I could stay here all day—for eternity—I would, but something tells me the gods won’t allow that. I suspect if we linger, the little village will start to deconstruct just like the Academy. The gods want all the players in the game. The only way out is dead.

Armin isn’t the only lover I need to find. Rupert, Miya, and Agis are never far from my mind. After experiencing the arena firsthand, I fear for whatever tortures Lucifer has set up for them.

Slowly, I extract myself, sliding out from under his arm and away from the warm heat of his body. Quietly I make my way to the bathroom, grabbing my clothes. I wash with speed—the air too cold to dawdle. When I walk out, tying the string of my pants, I find Armin, half-dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“How’d you sleep?” I ask, knowing it’s always a struggle for him.

“Like a rock.”

I fuss with the holster that holds my blade around my thigh while walking over to the bed. Armin catches my hip with his large hand and pulls me closer. He takes the leather straps from me, expertly buckling me in. His fingers graze my inner thighs and a flicker of the heat we shared the night before ignites in my veins. He finishes and looks me in the eye. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

“You’re welcome, but it wasn’t just my doing.”

He picks up my left hand and kisses the knuckles. “Tell me about this ring.”

“Damien made it,” I reply. I take out the pouch and pour the rings in my hand. Four remain. Then I go into the whole story of Morgan visiting me and handing me the pouch. “She didn’t give me a lot of instructions, but it seemed pretty clear I’m supposed to give you each one.”

“Did you give one to Marshal.”

“Not yet.”

He tilts his head and a deep line mars his forehead. “Why?”

“Because I don’t trust him.” His fingers link with mine. “I know he’s part of this, but until…I don’t know, until I know for sure that he’s loyal to us, and the Guardians, I’m wary.”

“But you trust Morgan

, and she told you he’s part of this.”

“I know. I just feel like I need to play it safe. As long as he’s close, I can measure his loyalty. When the time is right, I can make a decision.” I tuck the pouch back in my pocket and then a memory flickers in my mind. I reach in the other vest pocket and pull out the small book.

“What’s that?” Armin asks.

“Gods, I forgot all about it in all the chaos and searching for you. Morgan gave this to me too—Dylan wrote it, apparently drawing primarily on Bunny and Sam’s ability to see into the future with their art.”

“Read it,” he says, shifting over to give me space to sit.

I open the book and at first glance the pages are empty, but a second later, the book fills with handwriting. I’ve seen the script before on documents in Dylan’s room. It’s his.

Armin and I read together and much of what we didn’t know falls into place.

Once the Immortals crossed into the Lowerworld, the gods separated them, sending them into different rings. This seems to be an innate understanding from the game-makers that the Legion and the Valkyrie should be kept apart to ensure that the apocalypse is fulfilled, spreading across realms.

Each Immortal is trapped in whatever circle pulls at their personal demons. It’s important that Hildi locate each Immortal, place the ring on their finger to bind them to her, and travel to the City of Dis. This will reinforce the power transferred from the Guardians, as you have taken our place. The rings will solidify your strength as a group, just as Morgan did when she united with us before the battle with the Morrigan.

I flip the page and wait for the ink to appear. It doesn’t. “And then what?” I ask. “What do we do at the City of Dis?”

“I guess they didn’t see that far ahead.”

I sigh and close the book. “I guess that answers the question about Marshal and why Morgan said we needed him. He gets a ring if I trust him or not.”

Armin’s hand circles my neck. “For what it’s worth, I think you can. I know he’s a petty, greedy egomaniac. But I’ve fought alongside him in many battles. He hasn’t let me down yet.”

“Except at the Academy.”

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