Valkyrie's Sacrifice (Academy of Immortals 3) - Page 27

“Talk about what?” I glance past him to catch a glimpse of Rupert. Armin’s speaking to him quietly.

He bends over and rests his elbows on his knees. “My father created the rings to destroy people, Hildi. You’ve now been through two in just as many days. I know you haven’t personally been tortured but the people you care for are, and that is just as traumatic.”

“I’m fine.” I stare down at my boots. “What Rupert and I did…it was consensual—it was right.”

“Of course, it was, you broke him free of the spell—something no one else would be able to do.” He fidgets with the tickets in his hands. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings about how things happened. Lucifer sets every scenario up for a win—there’s a cost to every interaction down here.”

I frown and dare a look at him. “What do you mean?”

“He needs you weakened before you get to the City of Dis.”

“If I get there.” After tonight, I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.

“Oh, you’ll get there. Not just because the gods want you there—but because you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.” He shifts his feet. “The rest of us are here to back you up. Help you with your mission. We’re here to help you save the realms. We know that, and so does my father.”

“It’s just so exhausting.”

His next move surprises me. He throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me close to him. I tense at first but then relax, craving comfort. Luke is different from the Immortals. For starters, he has way less baggage, but he also carries an optimism that after a lifetime of wars and pain, it’s hard for them to muster.

The train whistle sounds in the distance and he says, “Rest and recharge. That’s what these breaks are for. Rely on your allies—all of us. Don’t second-guess yourself, Hildi, that’s what my father wants you to do.”

I nod. “Thank you, that’s really helpful.”

I feel his chin on the top of my head. “You’re welcome.”

We sit together for a moment longer, until the vibrations of the train approaching turn thunderous. When the magnificent machine rolls into the station, we all rise, and Luke passes out the tickets.

One by one we climb into the passenger car and hand the attendant, a man with cool yellow eyes, our tickets. I have no idea what the third circle holds for us, but I guess we’ll get there by train.

As the train barrels into the night, we’re directed toward the sleeping cars.

“Oh, thank god,” Elizabeth says with relief. “I mean, riding is preferable to walking, but sleeping is even better.”

My aching feet agree. We’re issued five cars, each the size of a closet. Elizabeth and Luke quickly enter theirs, while I glance at Armin and Rupert. I’d prefer to spend the night with one of them, but that doesn’t seem likely under the current conditions.

“Sleep well,” Armin says, pausing to give me a kiss. “I’ll be next door if you need me.”

I squeeze his hand, and he opens the door to enter his car. Rupert and I stand alone in the hallway. The only sound is the rattling of the wheels on the train tracks and the rushing wind outside. Rupert’s eyes are pinned to the floor.

“Hey,” I say, leaning against the door. “Are you okay?”

He nods easily but his jaw is tight. I sense the tension and upset rolling off him in waves. I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. Hours ago, we joined in the most intimate sense. Now things are awkward and weird.

“Goodnight,” I tell him, coming up with the only words that make sense at the moment.

“Goodnight, Hildi,” he replies, before quickly ducking into his car.

I enter my own room and shut the door with a click. The room has a couch with a bunk overhead, a small sink and a spigot with water. I drop my weapons on the seat and face the sink, turning on the water and splashing some on my face. Spotting a bar of soap, I use it to lather up and wash up. That alone makes me feel better. I unlace my boots and stretch out on the couch. It should be easy to fall asleep to the rocking motion of the train, but my mind won’t stop. Luke’s pep-talk didn’t do the trick. I’m worried. I’m stressed. And I need to clear the air.

A moment later, I’m standing in the narrow hallway outside of Rupert’s sleeping car. Before I can knock, the door swings open and the tall Immortal stands in front of me. He’s no longer dressed like a prince. Those clothes were replaced by the outfit he wore before them—fighting clothes, similar to mine. Although the velvet robe was sexy, I prefer this look; leathers slung low around his waist and a loose white shirt partially unbuttoned. His hair hangs over his shoulders and heavy rings circle his eyes.

I look at him in surprise and ask, “Going somewhere?”

“To find you, actually.”

He steps back into the small compartment and gives me room to step in. He closes the door, and we stand inches from one another.


Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024