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Valkyrie's Sacrifice (Academy of Immortals 3)

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The Immortal before me is not the one I met at the Nead. He’s not even the one I kissed in the library at the Academy. He’s stronger, bolder, braver. He knows what he wants and when he tilts his head and his lips brush against mine, I know that what he wants is me.



Empty plates sit on the table, our meal long gone. Coffee, black and bitter, is the drink of choice. Even after a full night of rest while the train rambled across the barren countryside, I think everyone feels a bit hung over from the second circle. Lust is as much of mind-altering substance as any other drug and although the affects have worn off, there’s a lingering feeling of confused regret.

Whatever distance Rupert and Hildi struggled with the night before has vanished. And when they joined us in the dining car this morning, he had his nose stuck in the book Dylan sent. I sense that his mind is trying to cling to anything academic. He absently twists the ring on his finger, and it sends a faint, vibrating hum down my own.

“Look,” Luke says suddenly, running his hand through his hair, “as you now realize, my father is very good at what he does. His specialty is picking at a healing wound and make it bleed. I would like to propose that we put what happened in the second circle behind us and never discuss it again.”

“Sounds good to me,” I reply, gulping down my coffee.

“Same,” Elizabeth says. Her cheeks have been red for the last twenty-four hours.

“I think it’s best if we focus forward,” Rupert says, closing the book. “Any idea what we can expect next?”

Luke grimaces. “One of my father’s favorites. Gluttony.”

“Seriously?” Hildi asks. “How is that any different than lust?”

“They’re all slight variations of human weakness, which immortal or not, we all have.”

Hildi frowns in thought. “Who is most likely to be trapped there?”

“Marshal has never been able to turn away a good party,” Elizabeth says.

“True,” I reply. “But I’m not sure that would be torturous to him.”

Rupert’s eyes catch mine. “There’s one Immortal that does not like excess of any kind. That craves simplicity and peace.”

He’s right. There is only one Immortal like that.

The train’s whistle blows and the wheels squeal as the brakes slow the locomotive. With her hands gripping the edge of the table, Hildi’s eyebrows shoot up in concern. She’s just figured out who will be tormented in the next circle.

I drown the last bit of my coffee and stand. “Let’s go save Miya.”



The train leaves us at the edge of a withered forest, but soon, as we follow Luke, the gray sky clears and a beautiful, cloudless, blue sky appears overhead. The dark soil on the ground turns lighter—sandier. The humidity vanishes and soon we’re trekking through what could only be described as a desert.

After the last two circles, we’re on guard—at least I know I am. If the lust ring taught me anything, it’s that I’m as susceptible to Lucifer’s tricks as his targets.

We carefully travel the worn path with Luke in the lead. Rupert and Armin protect our backs while Elizabeth and I fill the middle. My Fae friend has been quiet most of the day—her cheeks continuously flushed. I can’t help but wonder if I’m the reason for her discomfort.

“I’m sorry if that was uncomfortable for you yesterday,” I say, as we walk together.

“What do you mean?”

I give the girl a side glance to see if she’s being sarcastic. Her expression is sincere. “Well, for a start, Rupert and I had sex on a table in front of an entire room of people—including you.” A bird with massive, wide wings screeches overhead and I reach for my weapon. We both wait, watching it circle a few times before flying off. I sheath my dagger. “You also got left alone with the evil witch twins. That couldn’t have been fun.”

She coughs and then clears her throat. “I didn’t see you and Rupert. I promise.”

“Seriously? Even when he cleared the table, and everything went scattering all over?” Recalling the event sends a mixture of embarrassment and longing through my limbs. Odin, Rupert is sexy.

Elizabeth’s eyes remain forward. “I wasn’t really focused on you.”

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