Valkyrie's Sacrifice (Academy of Immortals 3) - Page 44


Footprints aren’t the only clue Hildi left behind. The strong scent of smoke wafts down the river, alerting our group to a problem before the town is visible. When we finally do catch sight of a few buildings, it’s clear they’re still smoldering. Rupert grimaces and his hand lands on his stomach, a signal I’ve learned means he can sense something.

“What?” I ask, wishing for a crystal ball right now. Ever since we discovered Hildi gone at the safe house, I’ve felt both lost and frantic.

“She’s not here,” he bends and touches the ground, “she was, and I have little doubt whatever destruction took place here had something to do with her, but she’s gone.”

“Do you think she’s in trouble?” Elizabeth asks. “Can you tell?”

He shakes his head. “I’m not sensing that—not specifically. If I had to guess I’d say she came through, got what she was l

ooking for, and moved on.”

“Agis?” Elizabeth asks.

I shake my head. “Circle four is greed. That doesn’t seem like Agis’ thing.”

Armin shakes his head. “No, it’s not. Maybe Dylan or one of the other Guardians foresaw that she wouldn’t be here. Maybe that’s why he told us, specifically, to find a boat to the River Styx.”

I have no problem skipping the next circle—which I assume is what really is in the town ahead. Greed brings out the worst in people. Maybe even more than gluttony and lust. Gods, they’re all bad. Once we get through five, we’ll be nearly finished—except for facing my father that is.

I have no doubt number five is going to be a challenge.

I look over Elizabeth’s head and nod toward the water. “There’s got to be a port here and someone willing to carry us to our destination.”

“To the River Styx,” Rupert says, “and hopefully to Hildi.”

“Yes,” I reply, adding, “and to the fifth circle.”

“Which is?” Armin asks, face pinched.

“Anger. It’s a violent place, filled with rage and turmoil.”

He and Rupert share a look, and the prince says, “Ah, and that’s where we’ll find Agis. We’re all warriors, but Agis—”

“Is always looking for a fight,” Rupert concludes. “He is the God of Death, after all.”

They speak so casually—so easily about him and his flaws. I suppose that’s what happens when you spend an eternity enslaved and fighting battles for the God of War.

“I’m sure my father will be happy to tug on any unfinished business Agis has—any losses he’s never gotten over.”

Again, the two Immortals share a look and grimace.

“What?” I ask.

“Agis’ entire life is bound in death, anger, and regret. Something changed in him when he met Hildi—he was able to look outside that pain and toward a different kind of future,” Armin replies. “He had someone to look after—someone to protect—even if he went about it in his own, complicated way.”

“At least,” Rupert says, “until she rejected him and sent him away.”

What they’re saying slowly dawns on me. “So his biggest regret is losing Hildi, and she’s going to get to him before we do.”

Armin nods, his jaw tight with tension. “Yes.”

After that, none of us speak, we all just move, our destination finally clear. We aren’t just looking for a boat or the River Styx, we’re looking to save Agis and whatever destruction my father is hell bent on raining down.



Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024