Valkyrie's Claim (Academy of Immortals 2) - Page 16

“What are you thinking?” she asks.

“I don’t believe I’m the Immortals' mate—I don’t believe in destiny like that. I’ve already lost the love of my life.” I swallow back a wave of grief. “But Christensen believes I could be the one to provide balance for the warriors and that balance would give us the upper hand.”

“And you wonder if you can accomplish this balance physically?” She seems to take this idea seriously.

“It’s foolish. I’m not you, and they certainly aren’t the Raven Guard.”

“It’s not foolish, you’re trying to win this battle and being a unified front is important. Look how we struggled when Bunny strayed. We had to forgive him before we could win the battle. All of us.” She pauses and rubs her stomach. “You say that you’re not me, and that the Immortals aren’t the Raven Guard. In our reality this is true, but there? The men took their place.”

Her implication takes hold. “And I possibly took yours.”


“Which means that in the Upperworld we are nothing to one another…”

“But there, at the Academy, they may be your—”

“Destiny.” I swallow. My mates.

It’s crazy, but what about this world isn’t? We’re pawns by bored gods, living in a world with immortal royals, magic keys, and flying monsters.

“Wouldn’t I know?”

“Not always. Especially not in a convoluted situation like this. I was lucky. The Raven Guard knew who I was to them. They’d known for eons. But the Immortals? They’re so caught up in their pain and anger.”

“They had to rely on those emotions to survive, Hildi. It’s instinct. It’s smart. But this Crusade is there to test you all. Obviously, the hardest part isn’t getting the key or even to the temple. It’s right there.”

“How do I handle this?” I twist the ring on my finger, the heat growing faint. “Armin isn’t a problem, but the others? Rupert has some kind of sexual hang up, Miya is celibate, and Agis…”

“Is very angry.”

“So angry.”

I don’t even mention Marshal, because it’s obvious he’s not my mate. More proof he’s truly lost to us.

I look up to say more and I’m startled to see that her image is fading. “Wait,” I say, touching the glass, “I’m not ready for you to go. I don’t know what I’m doing or if this is crazy.”

“It’s a path,” she says, giving me a tight smile, “follow it and see where it leads.”

“I miss you,” I tell her.

“I miss you, too.”

“How do I find you again?”

“The ring will link us.”

I reach out and touch the mirror, and she does the same, the heat from the ring fading fast. I close my eyes and take a breath before reopening them. My hand is flat against the cold stone wall, the mirror gone. I look around the hall—all the mirrors are gone—leaving me wondering if I’d really talked to Morgan or if it was all just a dream.



I wake the next morning feeling hungover and confused, still unsure if what I’d experienced was a dream or reality.

Maybe it was just my subconscious coming up with a plan. A plan to seduce the Immortals and see if it triggers something. I think about it all morning—about how it shouldn’t be this hard if we’re truly fated. But then again, these are false desires, brought on by us agreeing to take the place of the Guardians. Maybe it takes a little bit to unlock the feelings.

Or, I think, watching Rupert walk across the dining hall, maybe that’s what has them all so unsettled.

Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024