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Valkyrie's Harem (Academy of Immortals 1)

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“How did that happen?” Rupert asks.

“I have to guess the gods changed the game when replacements were sent.”

“Consequences,” I mutter. “That’s what you—well, the other Christensen said before we went through the portal. That there would be consequences.”

He nods. “In the past the Ravens had been hunted by demi-gods, angels, vampires, shifters, and every other form of supernatural being that exists in the Lowerworld, but,” he makes a face, the words seemingly caught in his throat.

“But what?” Armin asks.

“Here, in this Lowerworld academy, it’s filled with all immortals, not just one kind. You’re not just fighting one type of enemy,” his face pales, “but all of them. And not only is there a diversity among your competitors for the Stone of Knowledge, not everyone here is competing. You won’t know until the time comes.”

“Or until it’s too late,” Rupert adds.

A chill runs down my spine as I process what this means. “Basically we’re going to have to live and work at this Academy until we find the Stone of Knowledge and get it to the Temple.”

“Yes,” replies Professor Christensen. “And with no allies, it’s imperative that you keep your true identity a secret. No one can know where you true intentions.”

Things just got increasingly complicated.

“Fine,” Armin says, arms crossed over his chest. It pulls the shoulders of his jacket tight. “We find the stone and get out quickly.”

Christensen shakes his head. “It’s not that easy. The gods that control the Crusade want to be entertained. There isn’t an easy way out of this, I’m afraid. You all need t

o be prepared to acclimate to this community, find the clues, draw out your enemies, uncover the stones, and ultimately the location of the temple.”

“And what’s your job?” I ask. “Other than taking notes.”

“I’m here as a resource for all of you.” He looks over the men, all uncomfortable in their modern clothing. Well, all except Marshal, who seems to know how flattering a suit and tie is on his lean frame. “Your attire changed in the portal, signaling your roles at the academy. Three students and three instructors. That way you’re completely integrated into the community.”

“Unless I’m teaching a class on how to cut down an army, I’m not sure what I can teach the students here,” Agis says, bitterly.

“This isn’t a normal school,” Christensen replies. “You’re thousands of years old, I’m sure you have skills that can teach the young minds of the Academy.”

A ball of worry builds in my stomach. These men, they aren’t normal. They aren’t used to being around others. It’s going to take incredible restraint for them to stay under the radar and focused on their mission. I’d promised Morgan and the Ravens I’d lead these men to success, keeping the Lowerworld from taking over. I will not go back on my word.

I take a deep breath and say, “The last thing I want is to be a student again. I didn’t particularly enjoy it the first time around, but we made a promise to the Ravens back home. We’re here with a clear mission and don’t tell me this is the first time you’ve walked into an unpredictable battlefield.” No one denies this. “Starting today, we take on our assumed roles. Starting tomorrow, we take on the mission we’re here to complete.”

“Find the stone,” Miya says.

“Locate the temple,” Armin grunts.

Agis, the God of Death, nods. “Identify our enemies and take them down, one by one.”

“Point me in the direction of the library,” Rupert says to Christensen. “I’ll see if I can start identifying weaknesses.”

Marshal’s eyes are glued to the legs of a tall female student passing by. “I’ll start an assessment of our classmates,” he says, licking his lips.

Oh boy.

Panic builds in my chest as the reality of what is truly happening washes over me. I thought I was taking this group of half-feral, horny, barbaric men to the battlefield. Men that are barely one foot out of the Lowerworld themselves.

Instead, the fates decided I had to lead them into a school.

May the gods have mercy on us all.



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