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Valkyrie's Harem (Academy of Immortals 1)

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I’m hesitant to separate from my allies, but the situation we’ve been thrown in requires it. I keep my eyes on Hildi as she walks toward the dormitory. As the only female on our mission, she’ll be alone.

“I don’t like it either,” Armin says. His eyes are focused in the same direction. After a moment, Hildi vanishes around a corner. A knot forms in the pit of my stomach.

“She’s capable,” Agis says.

“Of course she is,” I reply, “but this situation is new and definitely unexpected. She could very well be walking into a trap.”

“We didn’t create the rules,” Armin says, “but we did agree to play the game. We’ll figure out a system quickly.”

“One of us needs to keep an eye on her at all times,” I declare. “She’s important to Morgan. I won’t fail her.”

Armin and Agis nod, agreeing more easily than expected, but in general they aren’t the tough sell. They see the bigger picture of working together. It comes from so many years of leadership. Marshal and Rupert may be tougher to convince. They’re more inwardly focused.

Christensen described our own living quarters. Small apartments in one of the ancient wings. We have more amenities and privacy than the students, and we each have an office at our disposal.

It’s all very refined for three blood-thirsty Immortals, more prepared to fight than teach a bunch of children.

We’re walking into the main building when a man approaches. He’s tall with thick gray hair. His age is indefinable but the same can be said about any of us. Immortality has a way of smoothing out the edges.

He smiles and offers his hand to each of us. “Ah, the Legion, I heard you’d arrived. I’m Headmaster Gardner.” A hint of magic sparks when he shakes my hand. “We’re thrilled to have you join our academy.”

“The gods willed it,” Agis says, crossing his tree-trunk sized arms over his chest.

“Rumor says you’re free men these days,” Gardener says. He’s suspicious. He should be.

“Freedom is nice,” I say, “but we’re men used to battle and bloodshed. Life on Earth didn’t suit us.”

“I assume not.” He assesses the three of us. “And the other members of your Legion, are they here as well?”

“Two students,” Armin replies. “To cover our bases in the quest for the Stone of Knowledge.”

I notice Armin intentionally misleads him about Hildi being with us. Agis says nothing, his lips in a scowl.

“Ah, spies in the ranks. I love it.” He frowns. “Aren’t there six of you?”

“We had a defection,” Agis says. “And the gods didn’t see fit to send him. Not everyone is worthy of this Crusade.”

Gardener’s lips tug into a slow, disturbing grin. “It’s a pleasure and honor having you on campus.” He looks at me. “I’ve long been a fan of your work in particular. I think you’ll be an amazing asset to the students as we prepare for this battle. Many are young and not quite ready. They need instruction. The gods undoubtedly sent the best.”

The three of us nod our agreement and he gives his best wishes and walks back the way he came. Armin watches him turn the corner and looks at me and Agis.

“If I understand him correctly, our job is to teach the students of the school how to succeed in the apocalypse.”

“That’s my interpretation.”

No one says a word, we just continue on our way, unwilling to say aloud what is really running through our minds. The five of us have spent our entire lives building toward this moment. All the wars, the death and destruction, but now we're here for a different mission. Redemption.

I just hope my brothers and I are up to the task of fighting for righteousness. It should be easy, but old desires die hard. Especially when those habits feel so very, very good.



My roommate has already arrived and set up her side of the room when I step into my dormitory. Christensen found our names on the list—magically added the instant we came through the portal. It seems the Academy will just absorb us into our roles as though we were always supposed to be there. No questions asked, memories altered. It’s the first day of the new term. I felt uneasy separating as Miya, Armin, and Agis left for the instructor’s quarters. Marshal and Rupert disappeared to pursue their interests and I climbed the long staircase to the girls'.

“Hi,” the girl says, jumping from her bed, “You’re here! I’m Marielle.”

“Hildi,” I reply, shaking her hand.

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