Valkyrie's Harem (Academy of Immortals 1) - Page 23

“Wait…” I say, trying to catch up. He’d said his father’s father… “Are you saying you’re the Devil’s son? You’re an angel?”

“Lucifer, Jr.” He grimaces. “I’m a Nephilim. My mother is human.”

“Woah,” I say, totally overwhelmed. “A vampire princess and the son of Lucifer.”

“And an impending apocalypse,” he says with a mischievous smile. “You came to the school at the perfect time. Things are about to get really exciting.”

“Luke is slated to lead the charge,” Marielle says. “If he finds the stone.”

Luke cuts her a look, eyes flicking to me. His smile stays in place, but it doesn’t reach his dark, cold eyes. “We’re all here to find the stone,” he says causally. “The charge will be led by the person that’s most worthy.”

Marielle rolls her eyes. “Luke always thinks he’s the most worthy—that’s why he’s determined to be my mate.”

He shrugs, a little bit of his easy nature returning. “Is it so bad that I want it all? The girl, the stone, expanding the Lowerworld?” His gaze skims over me. “I’m always willing to add a few more things to that list.”

That energy ebbs between us again, and I find myself leaning toward him. He’s handsome, so very handsome, and something inside of me just wants to relent—to agree to whatever this boy wants me to do.

His expression shifts, and I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Marshal standing over me, his posture stiff and alert. Whatever pull I’d felt toward Luke snaps in two. From the gleam in Marshal’s eye, I have no doubt he knew what I’d been feeling, considering.

I thought this mission was about beating our enemies and saving the world, already it seems much more complicated.

I look between the two handsome men, realizing that the instant we got dropped in the Academy, all bets were off. We’re in a world of hormones, lust, popularity, and ego.

I knew we could win a war, but high school drama? I’m not so sure.

After a brief introduction of Marshal to Marielle and Luke, I make excuses and drag him away from the table, out to the quiet of the hallway.

“Why did you interrupt me in there? I was getting information!” I whispe

r shout, trying to contain my anger.

“You looked like you were about to strip your clothes off, which,” he says with a raised eyebrow, “I’m not completely opposed to, but I suspect bedding the Prince of Hell isn’t a great idea, considering our mission.”

My jaw drops. “I was not going to bed with anyone. He’s a child for god’s sake. And you’re one to talk. You were basically dry humping those girls you were sitting with.”

“As much as I’m down with a little public affection, as you know,” he shoots me a cheeky grin, “I’m not dry humping anyone. At least not yet.”

Annoyance flares in my chest. “Enough! Neither of us are going to have sex with these people. We’re here on a mission.”

“One where we need to acclimate ourselves to the current climate. If you hadn’t noticed, these students reek of sex and debauchery.”

I sniff the air. “You can smell that?”

He looks me over. “Can’t you?”

“You forget I’m not immortal.”

“But you do have abilities.”

My shoulders square. “I’m fast and strong. I can win a fight against the strongest being out there. Which is why I don’t need you hovering around me. I don’t need protection.”

“You may be able to slay a dragon, Valkyrie, but I’m not sure you’re experienced enough with men to handle someone like Luke in there. You were about to tear your clothes off for the Nephilim.”

“First of all,” I say in a low voice, “You’ve never complained about my experience so you can shut the fuck up about that. And second of all, what if I was about to do something with Luke? What does it matter to you? You’ve been flirting with every female that you’ve crossed paths with today.”

He tilts his head and studies me.


Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024