Black Magic (The Raven Queen's Harem 3) - Page 17

“We’re going out today,” I say, changing the subject. “I’m taking her to the park where I saw the anomaly the other day while on a shoot.”

“What do you think it is?”

“Maybe an opening,” I say. “I want to see if she has a reaction to it.”

He nods and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a scrap of paper. “Will you swing by and pick this up? It’s for the spell.”

The paper has an address not far from Times Square. “Yeah, we can stop there.”

He smiles, the tense expression from earlier gone. “Thanks. I think we’re pretty close to getting all of the ingredients.”

“And then we’ll try it?” I’m hesitant. The book and magic are strange and carry a hint of darkness. It’s risky but I’m not here to assert my opinions. It’s Morgan’s choice. I do know that not everyone agrees with that position.

“I think we should.” That’s all he says because we both know who the hold out will be: Dylan. Even if he’s stepped aside now, he’ll fight her about it in the end.

I’d be willing to pay for seats to that showdown.

Chapter Eleven


“It’s nice to get out of the house.” I follow Sam down a winding path. We walked out the front door, across the road and entered the park. “I miss trees, you know? We had so many back home.”

“I remember.” He grins. “I miss them too.”

I think about that. “Do you miss being a raven? Damien said that’s why he rides a motorcycle—for the sensation.”

“We’ve had many forms, but I think I like this one the best.” He squeezes my hand and I get a little flutter in my belly. Last night with him was amazing. Sex is one level of intimacy but the way he healed me…now that I know angels are real, I think Sam may be part one. My cheeks burn thinking about it and I can’t help but watch the way he moves.

He glances over, linking his thumb in the camera strap over his shoulder. “What?”

“You.” I watch a flock of pigeons fly overhead. “That was unexpected last night.”

“Which part?”

“All of it. You, the healing. The way you felt…” I swallow, “inside me. Can everyone do that? The healing part?”

He nods and it’s not nearly as awkward as it should be to discuss my increasing sex life with his co-guardians. “It’s just like how we absorb the Darkness. We’re here to serve you.”

We reach a bend in a wooded section of the park. Sam steps off the path and guides me to follow. We leave the bright sun behind for the shady trees. “What are we looking for again?”

“There’s a clearing on the other side. This is a shortcut. I wanted you to get a good view.”

“A good view of a possible gate?” Goosebumps rise on my arms and down my neck at the idea. I don’t like it.

“There’s something over here. I saw it the other day. Here, look.”

He stops and holds up his camera. Photos flip by as he presses the button. He slows and I see a series of shots that look similar to the area we’re in. He stops on one in particular and hands it over. I peer down at the image.

It’s a simple patch of grass, and picnickers are spread here and there. A few children and a dog are in the scene. In the back corner though I see a slight variation. It looks almost like a smudge but when I run my finger over the screen it’s still there.

“You think that’s it?”

“I can’t see it with my bare eye. Just the camera. I thought you may have a different reaction.”

I step over a large branch. “Why me?”

“If the Darkness is really on the other side of that thing it’s going to want to check you out.”

Tags: Angel Lawson The Raven Queen's Harem Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024