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Ebony Rising (The Raven Queen's Harem 2)

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When I stand, wobbling slightly on my feet, I discover the golden runes have disappeared. “Where did they go?”

“Your body absorbed them. You’ll carry the magical protection for some time.”

“Do you really think it will help me select a mate?” I ask. Bunny picks up my discarded clothes. His eyes never leave my body as I redress.

He touches my temple and trails his finger down the side of my face, along my neck and stops at my breast. “Your mind, body, and heart need to merge to the same place. The spells should assist. It will always be your decision, Morgan, but with your emotions and desires so heightened, a little assistance can’t hurt.”

We stand across from one another and I feel a change from the woman that walked in the room. Not only in myself but in the relationship I have with Bunny. His mouth has touched my most sensitive and private of places but I have a feeling his paintbrush tapped into something even more elusive.

My soul.

Chapter 5


A small break is worked into my schedule between my appointments with the men in the house. Originally I thought it was just good time management. Like a break between classes at school. I’ve learned over the last week that these small respites are mostly used to shower. I spend half the day covered in either sweat from training or the lingering scent of sex. The men, astonishingly, don’t seem to mind, but I think it’s awkward. The whole

sharing one another concept seems strange, even if they don’t think so.

After my encounter (that’s what I call them, because “after my epic orgasm” sounds weird) with Bunny I rush downstairs for my second shower of the day. My phone chimes the instant I cross over the threshold of my room.

Shannon, the screen says. A photo of my best friend from college smiles back at me.


I won’t even deny it. The first month I was in New York I barely thought of my friend. I missed emails and texts. I ignored phone calls, but two days ago Dylan reminded me of the importance of keeping up with family and friends.

“I don’t have any family,” I snapped back, feeling slightly defensive. “I killed them, remember?”

He rolled his eyes. “You didn’t kill them, Morgan.”

No, but when I was a teenager I let the Darkness past the gate. My parents were the victims of the toxicity that followed. Luckily the ravens—my guardians—were nearby and shut the entry point. It was too late for my parents but at least no one else suffered.

“When your friends call, engage with them. It’s normal. It’s healthy.”

“What do I tell her?” I asked, specifically thinking of Shannon. “That I’m too busy fucking around with five guys to return her call?”

His jaw clenched. “We’re not fucking around.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Dylan was right. He and I were definitely not fucking around. He’d barely touched me. The others? Sure, there was no actual fucking, at least not yet, but a lot of everything else. “Fine. I’ll answer the next time she calls.”

The phone vibrates in my hand. Now is that time.

I swipe the screen. “Shannon?”

“Holy crap, Morgan. You finally answered!”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” I walk down the hallway to the bathroom. My eyes widen when I take in my appearance. My hair is wild. The makeup under my eyes is smeared and my neck is blotchy from Bunny’s lips.

I can’t even imagine what my inner thighs look like.

“I’m the worst kind of friend,” I say, feeling a wash of guilt that isn’t just about Shannon. Juggling five guys is not normal for me, even considering the supernatural implications.

“I’ve just missed you,” she says. “I miss college. Adulting sucks.”

“How is your job?” I ask. Shannon has a degree in dance and music theory. So naturally she’s teaching dance camp to three-year-olds.

“Exhausting. Why did my parents let me get such a worthless degree?”

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