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Ebony Rising (The Raven Queen's Harem 2)

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“Morgan, maybe we can meet at your place. You have that fantastic library.”

I don’t like the idea of another woman in my home. I’m not exactly jealous—more protective than anything else. I’m also concerned about the increasing amount of magic being performed. Before I can come up with a good excuse Professor Christensen nods his head and says, “That’s a fantastic idea. There’s so much history to that house. I hope you make the most of your stay there.”

I have little choice but to relent. “We can meet at my place. I’ll text you the time, okay?”

“Perfect,” Anita says as she stands to leave. I struggle for an extra moment to get my notebook back in my too-full bag. “Morgan, can you stay for just a moment?”

“Yeah. Sure.”

He stands and moves to close the door. When he returns to his desk he says, “How are things

with your housemates?”

I brush a curl of hair out of my eyes. “Good. They’re great, actually.”

A thin line creases on his forehead. “They’re not too distracting? I’d hate for something to derail you from your work.”

“Distracting?” I fight the heat in my chest. Hell yes, they were distracting. But also sweet, encouraging, and teaching me how to survive. “That hasn’t been a problem at all. Some days I barely see them.”

Unless I’m dreaming of them. Touching them. Testing their mettle as I seek my mate.

“Good, good. I just wanted to keep up. It’s an unusual situation.”

I frown. “Have you ever met any of them before, Professor Christensen? Are there specific reasons for your concerns?”

He clears his throat. “No, I haven’t, but a few have reputations in the community. Underground exhibits and performances. I admit it’s nothing more than rumor but it’s my job to advise you.”

Now I’m annoyed but try to keep the tone out of my voice. “Are you finding my submissions lacking? Is there a problem with my work?”


“Well, then I need you to trust that I’m an adult and can manage my personal life.”

“It’s just that you have no parents to rely on—”

“My parents?” A cold, angry feeling sparks in my chest. “Professor, I made it through my senior year of high school and four years of college without their guidance. I think I can manage.”

I grab my bag off the floor and exit the office, even though I hear him calling my name. Out on the street, I gather my composure. Christensen may be an overbearing ass but he did do me a favor by revealing the rumors about the boys. I knew they were going somewhere at night.

Now I plan on finding out more.

Chapter 8


Davis, the butler at The Nead, waits for me in the foyer when I arrive at home. He hands me a tray of lunch. I thank him and he adds, “Don’t forget your appointment with Master Dylan at one o’clock.”

“Sharp,” I say, rolling my eyes and shoving a piece of cheese into my mouth. “Got it.”

Although there’s nothing specific to confirm this, I’m getting the feeling Dylan is trying to push me away. It’s stupid. He’s the one that broke the news about me being the Morrigan and about the need for me to find a mate. He understands the importance—as much as anyone else. Except when I’m with him it’s all history and business and death and war. As I approach my door, I know that even though we haven’t crossed any intimate barriers with one another, it’s going to happen. It has to. Soon.

Maybe today.

Quickly, I shower, rinsing off the sweat and grime from my bus ride. My mind wanders to the assignment given to me by Professor Christensen. Anita’s book has three main characters—each seemingly lucky to have survived the deadly virus that wiped out a huge portion of humanity. They take on roles of leadership as communities rebuild. One female and two males. They fight over her affection and the glory of producing the first heir to their new world.

I lather and wash my hair, feeling the suds drip down my body. It brings to mind my dream on the bus. The feeling of all the men touching me at once. Five men.

What have I gotten myself into?

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