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Ebony Rising (The Raven Queen's Harem 2)

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Sam nods vigorously. “Holy shit, yes.”

Chapter 18


The cab stops outside a busy strip of road. A deli, a bodega, two pawn shops, and a boarded-up storefront line the sidewalk. I look at the address Anita gave me and wonder for a quick second if she’s pranking me. When I glance back at the street I spot her next to the abandoned shop, waving.

The dress isn’t easy to miss on the litter-strewn road. The bright red draws looks from pedestrians. The minute I’m out of the car Anita pulls me into a tight embrace and says, “I’m so glad you came.”

“Exactly where is this concert?”

“I’ve been reading about this new thing. Secret clubs. From the outside it looks like an abandoned building but the insides are supposed to be amazing.”

“Like a speakeasy?” I ask, referring to prohibition bars.

“Yes!” Her eyes light up. “But each one has a theme and they only last a few nights. I managed to get three tickets.”


She points to the boarded-up wall. For the first time I notice a familiar-looking blond. He has striking features—a narrow nose and strong chin. He looks as apprehensive to be here as I feel. His eyes burn the same color blue as the girl standing next to me and I say, “Are you related?”

“My brother!” She drags me over. “Morgan this is Xavier. Xavier this is Morgan.”

His face relaxes and his eyes drink me in. “Nice to meet you, Morgan. I’ve heard a lot about your project.”

Typically, my defenses rise. I’m never a fan of discussing my book, particularly with strangers. Xavier must notice because he tilts his head and says, “Only good things, of course.”

“Your sister is very talented,” I reply. “But I’m sure you already knew that.”

He smiles and it’s breathtaking. “I have heard that once or twice.”

“Hey!” Anita cries, tugging at his sleeve. He grins down at her and wraps an arm around her shoulder. “I’m not braggy.”

“Never,” he says with a wink in my direction. “So, are we ready for this adventure or what?”

“I’m ready to get off the street,” I reply. The night air is still warm and hopefully there’s air conditioning inside.

Xavier offers me and his sister the crook of his arm. It’s weird but what in my life isn’t lately? I link my arm with his and he leans in and says, “I’ll buy you a drink to cool you off.”

Anita directs us down a small alley and takes two steps down to a rusty door. She bangs twice, smiling back at me and her brother. I glance up at him and with the street light behind his head his hair glows and I get the strangest feeling I’ve met him before.

The door opens with a creak and a well-dressed man with flaming red hair stands in the entrance. Anita hands over three tickets and he nods for us to enter.

I follow Anita down the steps and just like she said earlier, we step into something amazing—a whole different world.

“Wow,” I say, freezing in the doorway. I take the whole place in. The bar to the right, gleaming with a glossy shine. Three bartenders in bow ties and starched white shirts work behind the counter, mixing cocktails. A cluster of men and women surround the bar and small tables fill the floor space. A small stage sits at the front of the room, with a single chair in the middle. A heavy black curtain hangs behind the stage. I have no idea what sort of concert to expect, but before I can say anything Xavier has bolted for the bar and Anita is dragging me toward a table with a reserved card on top.

“This is really neat,” I tell her when I’m settled in my seat. “I had no idea places like this existed.”

“One of the perks of living in the city. So many cool things to do. After seeing that amazing historic house you live in, I thought maybe you’d like it.”

Xavier returns with three martini glasses. I don’t waste time taking a sip of mine.

“So who’s playing?” I ask.

Anita shrugs. “That’s part of the surprise. You never know. Sometimes it’s someone famous or like, undiscovered but incredibly talented. One time it was a rapper singing show tunes. Another, a Broadway star playing hard rock. It’s always something unique.”

“And after a few days they’ll close it down?”

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