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Unspoken Vow (Steele Brothers 2)

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Which is sad, sure, but also fucking amazing.

Brody moves towards his closet and pulls out a pristine white shirt.

He may hate his suits, but he looks good in them. No, not just good—mouth-wateringly hot.

“Big day at work again?” I ask, because this normal thing is kinda addictive.

“Yeah. I’ve been summoned.” Brody’s tone is ominous.

“Summoned? Like to court?”

“Worse. To my father’s office.”

“Someone’s in trouble,” I sing.

Brody laughs. “Probably, but you want to hear something interesting?”

“Interesting how?”

“Yesterday when he told me he wants to speak to me first thing today, I panicked. I spent most of the evening making sure I had all my outstanding work completed so he couldn’t ream me for it, but there wasn’t much there. I still don’t know what he wants to talk to me about.”

My lips twitch. “Oh, honey, if you think that’s interesting, we need to get you out more.”

Brody ignores my snark. “That’s not the interesting part.”

“Then what is?”

He climbs on the bed and leans over me. “Now? After last night … after a mind-blowing experience where I wasn’t in control of what was happening and I couldn’t gain control no matter how hard I fought, I feel free. I don’t think I’ve been this relaxed going into work in a long time.”

“So it’s safe to say you enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind a repeat?” I bite my lip.

“Anytime. Anywhere.” Brody leans forward and kisses my forehead. “Not gonna lie, though, one day I’ll want to touch you during sex. I know we have to work our way up to that.”

“My therapist—”

“Which one?”

“The Grammy Award–winning one.”

“Ah, the sexy guy.”

“You haven’t seen him. How do you know he’s sexy?”

Brody shrugs. “Don’t disrupt my fantasy. I’m picturing you and him shopping for silk rope together.”

The laughter flies out of me. “And you’d be okay with that?”

He leans in, his mouth going next to my ear. “As long as I’m the only one you’re using it with.”

A moan gets stuck in the back of my throat. “Anyway, he says that it might be beneficial if I can get you to come to an appointment sometime.”

Brody’s eyes widen.

“I said no,” I say quickly. “Said we weren’t really there yet, but in the future. If we need it, the offer’s there. He might be able to help us get through the whole no-touching thing.”

He looks hesitant.

“You don’t have to though.”

“No. I can do that. I want to do that. It’ll be a pain to arrange something around work, but I can make it happen.”

“Are you sure? It’s like … a very couply thing to do, so I understand if you don’t want to go.”

Brody cups my face. “I have some really bad news for you, Anders.”

I stare expectantly.

“Pretty sure we’re a couple.”

I pull back. “What?”

“No way am I seeing anyone else while we try to work through this.”

“Me neither.” I laugh. “Although, that’s kinda a given. I just don’t know if exclusivity really means couple. Like, calling you my boyfriend would be weird.”

“We don’t have to be ‘boyfriends’ if that’s too much for you. We’re … seeing each other?” Brody’s eyes travel down my body. “I mean, it’s true. We’re seeing a whole lot of each other.”

“Of course, you make it sound dirty.”


“Going with me to sex therapy is huge though. And soon. And it’s not like I can—”

Brody presses a finger to my lips. “I know you can’t promise me anything big, and I’m not asking you to. Basically, all I’m asking is for you to give this an actual try—to see past the sex stuff because I’m the only guy you’ve felt comfortable enough to go there with. I want more than just sex from you, however small.”

“It’s not like it’s a lot of fun,” I warn. “Talking about sex is surprisingly boring and clinical.”

“You’re really selling me on it.”

“Not to mention the whole embarrassing thing,” I continue. “You probably would’ve loved seeing me fumble over telling Ed Shearon how much I want to bottom for you.”

Brody’s head lands on my chest. “You’re officially mean, and I hate you, and now while my dad yells at me for God knows what, all I’m going to be thinking about is your ass.”

“Hmm, that’ll be super inconvenient for you. Your dad will probably think you’re a freak—getting turned on talking through judicial law.”

“Do you know what judicial law means?” Brody chuckles.

“Nope. Judges … and things.”

“You’re cute.” Lips land on my cheek. “But I have to go get yelled at about judges and things.” Brody stands again and moves to his sock drawer. I go back to watching him.

“What have you got planned for the day other than work?” he asks.

“I have a self-defence lesson with Law during my lunch break. I’ve been blowing him off lately, and he’s finally called me on it, so I need to make an effort.”

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