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Fake Out (Fake Boyfriend 1)

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“Yes, it does. I want to punch him. Whoever he is.”

“As much as I appreciate the sentiment, the last thing I need is my little sister fighting my battles. Besides, it was a while ago. All water under the bridge … or whatever.”

“I’d like to push him off a bridge,” she says.

“So, you’re okay with the Maddox thing?” I ask.

“Okay, honestly, I was shocked, but I think I covered it well. I feel bad for him in a way. Like, it’d be weird for me if I suddenly found a girl attractive and didn’t know what it meant.”

“I’m gonna introduce him to a few of my friends. That’ll help.”

“Don’t introduce him to Noah. He thinks he’s God’s gift and comes across as selfish and stuck on himself. Maddox deserves better than that for his first time with a guy.”

I run my hand over my face. “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation,” I mutter. Not only that, but I’ve already decided not to introduce Maddox to Noah because Stacy’s one hundred percent right about him. Great guy, but not the type you’d set a friend up with. “Don’t get all overprotective on him. He’s a big boy. Do you get this way over the girls he dates?”

“Well, no, but he’s the selfish manwhore in that situation. He seemed … vulnerable when he was talking about you. I don’t want him to get hurt.”

Neither do I. Would it be better for him if I was his first? No, I don’t want to put myself in a position to get screwed over again. “That’s why I don’t want to go there with him. I’ve got to get back to studying.”

“Of course, you do. Oh, before you go, have you spoken to Eric?”

“Nope. Why?” I don’t mention he texted me and I refuse to reply.

“I was talking to Julian, and he said Eric needs to talk to you about something.”

Julian is Eric’s younger brother and kinda what Eric was to me for Stacy. Although, they aren’t as close as Eric and I were. And I’m sure Julian never kissed Stacy and then accused her of manipulating him into it.

“I’ll call him when I have time.”

Stacy goes silent on the other end.

“I really have to go, Stace.”

“What happened between you and Eric? You used to be inseparable.”

“College happened. Speaking of college, Maddox’s friend Jared said to say hi.”

He didn’t actually, but I need a subject change.

“J-Jared? You met Jared?”

“Mom would be so proud of you. Jumping into his bed after only knowing him a few hours. Not to mention, he’s a ginger. He could’ve stolen your soul, Stacy. Was your Prince Harry fantasy worth it?”

“Don’t you have studying to do?”

“Bye, sis.” Worked like a charm.



Stacy’s knocking echoes through my apartment. “I bring gifts in the form of margarita mix.”

Ugh. “Tequila and I aren’t on speaking terms.”

“All the more for me.”

When I open the door, she helps herself to my kitchen as she always does.

“Your brother is ignoring me,” I say. It’s only been two weeks and a couple of texts, but still. I told myself not to bring it up too, and look at that, she’s been in my apartment for three whole seconds. Yay, willpower.

“Don’t be offended. He’s always insanely busy with school and work. Tonight’s the first night he’s taken a break since the weekend he spent with you. If it wasn’t for Eric, he’d probably be holed up in his apartment with his face in a textbook.”

I tense. “Eric?”

“Yeah, his best friend. Eric’s getting married, and he’s going to ask Damon to be his best man tonight. It’s been hard to keep it a secret, but Eric wanted to be the one to tell him, and Damon’s been too busy. So, you’re not the only one he’s been ignoring.”

What. The. Fuck.

The tension in my spine shoots up my neck, making it twinge. The last thing Damon needs is to hear Eric’s getting married, let alone get asked to be his best man. What the hell is wrong with this Eric guy that he thinks that’s okay?

“Don’t suppose you know where they were going tonight?” I ask.

She eyes me warily, and perhaps I should try to be more discreet, but it’s kinda hard to be when I know what Damon’s walking into.

“That hole in the wall pizza place in SoHo. Why?”

“Okay, please don’t think I’m stalking your brother, but I have to go.”

“What? Why?”

“I need to talk to him about all this same-sex stuff, and he’s been ignoring me. You stay here, get loaded on margaritas, and by the time I come back, you’ll be loveable Stacy.”

“Hey, I’m always loveable.”

“I know, but you’re a lot nicer to me when you’ve been drinking. I’ll be back soon.”

“Want me to come with you?”

“No,” I snap. “I mean … no offense. I don’t … uh … it’s a guy thing.”

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