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Fake Out (Fake Boyfriend 1)

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“Just fucking do it, okay?” Eric says.

I scoff. “Well, when you ask him so nicely.”

Eric’s glare turns to me. “Did we ask for your opinion? Damon knows it’ll be easier this way. Our moms won’t get involved and become nosy.”

“Can’t have them knowing the truth, can we?” Damon says. “If I say yes, can we leave?”

“It’s not like it’s hard to stand up there and pretend to be happy for me.”

“I’ll do it, but I’m not giving a speech or organizing a bachelor party. Get someone else to do that shit. I’ll put up appearances, but don’t think this means we’re okay or whatever.”

“Fine. Deal.”

“Let’s go,” I say to Damon. “Your sister’s currently getting loaded at my apartment, and I think we should join her.” I practically drag him out of his seat, but as we pass Eric, he reaches out and grabs Damon’s arm. He mumbles something I can’t hear, and then Damon and I are out the door.

“How did you know where I was?” Damon asks on the walk to the subway.

“Tracking app I installed on your phone while we were at my parents’ place.”

He stops walking, and under the dim light of the street, his face pales.

“You should so see your face right now.” I laugh. “Stacy told me, you dumbass. She said you were out with Eric and that he was getting married. Figured you might’ve wanted some backup. Sorry if I crossed some sort of line back there, but that guy pisses me off.”

“You and me both. And considering you’re someone who hates confrontation, is it weird I’m proud of you right now?”

“Proud? Of what? All I did was defend you.”

Damon smiles. “Actually, you defended you.”

Oh. Right. “I guess I did, huh? Didn’t feel like it as the words were coming out. It wasn’t about me personally, even though it was about me.” I shake my head. “Sorry. It’s still weird.”

“Thank you for showing up. I enjoyed you putting Eric in his place a little too much.”

“You should’ve said no to being his best man,” I say.

“Like he said, it’s easier this way.”

“What did he say when we left?”

Damon blows out a loud breath. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter.”

“It’s the same old shit he’s said since we kissed. If our families find out, who do I think they’ll believe?”

“That’s bullshit.” I’ve never been a violent guy, but right now I want to march back in there and throat-punch the guy. I’d probably break my hand, but whatever.

“Did you say something about Stacy and alcohol?” Damon asks.


“Let’s go.”

We head down to the subway and jump on the first train. It’s busy for a Saturday night, so Damon and I are practically pushed together as we stand near the doors.

“So … you’ve been avoiding me,” I say.

“You waited until we were in small confines before you asked that, didn’t you? I can’t get away.”


“I got your texts, and I’m not lying when I say I’ve been busy, but yeah, I have been avoiding you a little bit.”

The train car shudders and pushes me into him so we’re chest to chest. “Why?” I croak.

Damon takes a small step back. “Honestly? I’m waiting for the memory of you kissing me to go away so I’m not tempted to do it again.”



Damn it. I was doing so well. I’ve been preoccupied and distracted with work and study, so I’ve barely had time to think about Maddox. Then he goes and swoops in and saves me from the most awkward night of my life. And that’s saying something considering a few weekends ago I traveled interstate with a straight guy I didn’t know and pretended to be his boyfriend.

Maddox takes a step back, but on the crowded subway, he doesn’t get far. He hasn’t said anything to my admission, and I don’t want him to. I don’t want him to ask me to kiss him again, because I know I’ll do it, but I also don’t want to hear that he’s over whatever attraction he had to me.

The train car comes to a stop and the doors open. “This is us,” he says and walks off. His steps are fast, and I have to scramble to keep up, pushing my way through the crowd.

“Maddy, wait up.”

“Can’t. If I stop moving, I’m going to do something you don’t want, so I’m going to walk as fast as I can to burn off this excess energy.”

He couldn’t have answered more perfectly.

His East Village apartment isn’t far from the subway, and I practically have to chase him the whole way because his feet don’t slow down. As we enter his building, I can’t get over how he could afford this place.

“Are you fucking your landlord?”

Maddox stops dead in his tracks, and I don’t have time to slow down, so I run into the back of him. “Did you just ask what I think you asked?”

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