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Goal Lines & First Times (CU Hockey 3)

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“We’ve pretty much spent the last month together, and now this is kinda serious, so I figured you should know. We don’t want to keep it secret.”

“Please don’t kill me,” Richie says. He’s trying to joke, but it doesn’t come out that way.

Foster’s laugh is hollow as he rakes his fingers over his short hair. “This is a lot to take in.”

“Take your time,” Richie says. “I’m not going anywhere.”

God I want to kiss him.

“Well, fuck.” Foster’s tone warms. “I guess family holidays just got a whole lot bigger.” He slings an arm over the back of Zach’s chair. “Seriously, Seth, this guy? You’re sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Okay, then.” He flags down a waiter and orders a round of drinks for the table, and I can’t stop watching him the whole time. He charms the staff, and holds Zach affectionately, and sits there like he could own the world.

When Foster’s stare catches mine, there’s something more serious and intense than I’ve seen from him in years. “Tell me you’re happy. That’s all I need.”

It suddenly feels really hot in here. “I’m happy.”

There’s no trace of his smug confidence when he smiles. “Cohen, looks like you’re stuck with me again.”

“Nah.” Richie moves closer and rests his hand on my thigh. “I’m stuck with Seth. You’re just that annoying brother we have to put up with at Christmas.”

Foster shakes his head. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

“I really hope not,” I say.

And with the hard part of the night out of the way, it’s so much easier to relax. Dinner is great, and I only have two drinks since I’m driving, but they warm me from the inside out.

Foster suddenly slams his hand on the table. “Oh God. Please let me be there when you tell Mom and Dad.”

“Too late.”

“They know?”

“Yeah, and trust me. You’re glad you didn’t witness it.”

Richie snorts. “I’m pretty sure they wish they didn’t witness it either.”

“Why? Did they walk in on you having sex?” Zach asks.

Foster quickly slaps a hand over Zach’s mouth. “Nope. Not allowed to talk about that.”

“Close. They let themselves into my apartment while Richie was making me coffee.”

I wait for Foster to relax.

“Buck naked.”

He shudders dramatically. “I’m going to warn you, Cohen,” Foster starts. “You hurt my brother—”

“And what?” I cut in. “You’ll hurt him? You alpha types sure are predictable.”

Zach laughs. “I think that was Foster’s way of saying he loves you.”

We both cringe at the exact same time. “Please no.”

“Definitely not,” I say.

“What about me?” Richie asks.

We turn to him, confused.

“Well, aren’t you going to warn Seth about hurting me? Why don’t you care about my feelings?”

I’d laugh, but I actually think he’s serious.

Foster looks unsure. “Ah, Seth. If you hurt Cohen …” He looks to Zach for help, but Zach looks lost.

“Beck will skewer you with his hockey stick,” Richie says, then raises his hands. “His words, not mine.”

“Of course he said that.” Foster kicks my foot under the table. “Just curious. Did you realize that when you started dating Cohen, you were inheriting a whole hockey team?”

“What do you mean?”

His grin is too smug. “They’re yours now. Good luck, big brother.”



Chasing a puck, sinking it in the goal, hell, even being slammed into the boards, this is what I’ve lived for since I could skate. The only thing I’ve lived for.

But tonight, as I hit the ice for our warm-up, there’s someone in the audience who seems to have squeezed his way inside my heart to take up residence next to my love of hockey.

My boyfriend.

Yep. My first meaningful relationship is with a dude, and as much as I want to read into that and question where I sit on the Kinsey scale when it comes to relationships, to me, it doesn’t matter. I don’t think Seth’s gender has anything to do with it. Hooking up has always been easy for me, so I’ve never put in the effort for more. Questioning my sexuality made me work harder, and Seth and I took things slow.

Whether I’m a one or a five on the spectrum, I’m still bi. And I’m finally in a position where I’m comfortable with that and don’t hesitate or question my label.

I skate past where Seth’s sitting with Zach and grin at him. He smiles back, and for the first time ever, I wish for a game to be over before it’s even started.

UConn has been having a good season, and ours has been more than average, so we know going into this we’re going to have to fight for the W. We really need to start putting wins away to secure our spot in the championships.

Asher skates to center ice for the face-off, and then as if all our work has finally started paying off or maybe it’s a fluke, he wins, and the puck finds my blade.

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