Face Offs & Cheap Shots (CU Hockey 2) - Page 64

I don’t realize until we’re in the room that Beck has booked us a suite. “What’s this?” I ask, sticking my head into the bedroom and noting another door that leads to a bathroom.

“Figured we deserved a little better than just a bed. Besides, this room has a huge tub and I’m dying to use it.”

I hook my arm around his waist as he tries to pass me and pull him in close. “Slow down. I figured before we got naked, we could have a quick chat about something.”

His eyes narrow. “A bad something?”

“I don’t think so. I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.”

“In that case, there doesn’t seem to be a reason why we can’t have this talk naked.”

He’s right. “You’re one smart man.”

We strip off as the bath runs, and I have to admit Beck did well. The bath can easily fit us both with my back to Beck’s front.

We’re silent for a long time as we enjoy the warm water on our muscles.

“So what did you want to talk about?” he finally asks, sounding half-asleep.

I hum, equally relaxed. “What happens when we’re back at CU?”

“We keep dating, right?”

I let out a lazy chuckle. “I hope so. I’m a long way off satisfying my need for you.”

“What did I say? Always horny.”

“You know that’s not how I mean,” I whisper.

The water sloshes over the side as he submerges his arms and wraps them tight around me. “I know. This feels stupidly right, doesn’t it?”

“Definitely. Which brings me to my question. Are we telling people we’re together?”

“I want to. You?”

“Thank God. Yes. I want to tell everyone.”

“Even the team?”

“Especially the team.”

His arms tighten and he nips my earlobe. “About time.”

I push my ass back against him and feel his dick immediately perk up. “You know what else has taken a long time?”

He stills against me. “Are you saying …”

I turn in his arms, sending a huge wave of water onto the floor that we both ignore. Our mouths collide, and the need we’ve had to hold back while at the farm pours into the kiss.

Beck’s hands find my ass as I lean my arms on the back of the tub and grip his hair, yanking his head back. We force the kiss so deep I can barely breathe, and when Beck thrusts up, bringing our cocks together, I can barely think either.

One of his fingers slips between my ass cheeks and circles my hole. It sends sparks of need along my spine, and I remind myself to relax as he starts to apply pressure. I bear down as his finger slips inside, and it doesn’t take long before he brushes my prostate and I’m fucking myself on his digit. That, combined with our cocks rubbing together, takes me to the edge so quickly, I know I need to back off, but I don’t have that kind of self-control.

Beck starts to laugh and slides his free arm up around my waist, pulling me against him so tight I can’t move. “Not allowed to come until you’re on my dick.”

“There’s something I wanna try first. Can I?”


“Turn around, get on your knees, and brace your arms against the wall.”

Confusion crosses his face. “While I love you dicking me out, it’s my turn tonight, remember?”

“You’ll definitely be giving me the D. But first, trust me. I wanna see if this is as hot as it looks.”

He’s still clearly confused, but he gets on his knees and tilts his ass back toward me. An unintelligible noise leaves me at the sight, and I can’t imagine a world where Beck’s ass doesn’t pull that reaction from me.

Before I can think with anything but my dick, I duck down and bury my face between his cheeks.

“What are you—oh shit!” Beck pounds the tile and immediately pushes his ass back as I grab it with bruising force. I lick his hole, slowly massaging the muscle with my tongue, and while this might be good for him, it’s making my cock absolutely throb.

Beck’s hand finds the back of my head, and he pushes my face in deeper for a moment, before he grips my hair and pulls me back. He’s panting as he stands.

“Bed. Now.”

I scramble to follow him. Beck goes straight to his bag to grab the lube and condoms while I give myself the fastest dry off in history. I crawl onto the bed on my hands and knees.

“Nope, on your back.”

I flip over and Beck blankets my body with his. I pull my knees up as his fingers pick up where they left off and work their way back into my body.

“Your mouth …” He leans down to kiss me again. “Fucking magic.”

“You liked?”

“That was so hot. But thanks to you, I can’t see this lasting long.”

“Lucky I don’t have much left in me.”

Tags: Eden Finley CU Hockey M-M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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