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The Ranch (A Second Chance Romance)

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“They’ve probably gotten delayed because of the weather forecast. They’ll be preparing the ranch and moving the cattle. Goodness, Poppy,” Chrissy’s eyes widened as she took my arm. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, hon. Do you need to sit down for a minute?”

I did my best to fake a smile. “No, no... I’m good, thanks. I just, um....” I cleared my throat and rattled the ice that remained in my glass. “Drinking on an empty stomach probably wasn’t the smartest decision I’ve made today.”

“Should we call you a car to take you to your bungalow?” Chrissy was already ushering me toward the front desk.

“No, you stay here with your guests,” I insisted. “I’ll be fine. I think I’ll go grab some air and perhaps lie down for a bit.”

“O-kay,” she drew the word out slowly as she looked me up and down. “If you say so. But please tell me if you need anything. And if you aren’t well enough to make it to the rehearsal dinner, it’s—”

“No, no,” I interrupted, leaning in to give her a quick half-hug. “I’ll be back to normal real soon, I promise. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Chrissy and Shayla and probably half a dozen other people watched me as I slowly made my way back across the room.

Whether any of them guessed the real reason for my sudden dizzy spell—and honestly, I’d made it super easy for them with my shocked gasp—I wasn’t sure, and for a moment, I didn’t honestly care. God, I was getting as bad as Shayla with the theatrics.

But hearing the names of the boys who had somehow swept me up in their ridiculous scheme, which ruined my reputation, was too much to handle.

No matter how hard I’d tried to prepare myself for the exact moment when I might meet them again, the imminent prospect of it still hit me harder than I’d imagined possible after all these years.

They would be there, in person, at the wedding.

I had no idea how I’d handle seeing them in the flesh.

Just as long as they don’t show up to the rehearsal dinner, I’ll be fine.

They’d definitely show up. The brother of the groom had to show up.

Perhaps they won’t. Not with a ranch to look after and getting up before the sun every morning.

Even as the conversation took place in my mind, I found myself hoping they were okay and hoping they hadn’t been caught up in the surprise storm that seemed to be rolling through the area.

They have a long drive from the Price family ranch.

Was it possible to hate someone and still care about their well-being at the same time?

Ugh, I needed to pull myself together.

Above all, I needed to stay as far away as possible from Cooper Price and Nolan Reed.

Chapter Two

Poppy Evans

“We aren’t going to be sitting together?” I turned to Jas as we walked into the large private dining room. “Do you think we can, like, switch the names around or something?”

We couldn’t; it was clear the moment we walked in that everyone had a specific place to sit, but the thought that I might not have my best friends forever around me when I needed them hadn’t even occurred to me.

We located our places next to strangers.

Well, not strangers.

Two of her old friends from school had already whisked Muriel away, and I had to look twice at how Cameron and Hugh had filled out into very attractive men. If I didn’t already know them, I’d want to get to know them.

Apparently, there was a space for me to sit next to Chet Hall, but it wasn’t like I could rely on him for anything more than polite conversation.

Not the same way I relied on my girls, who would have my back no matter what. With the possibility hanging over my head of running into the two-men-who-should-not-be-named, I wanted to keep backup close at hand when we took our seats with the rest of the bridal party.

“Hi there, Poppy.” Chet stood and pulled out my chair for me as I approached the table. “My sister told me you weren’t feeling well earlier. I hope everything is better now.”

“Thank you.” I smiled and took my seat as I tried to figure out how I should respond. I wondered what, exactly, Shayla had said about me, but I obviously wouldn’t come straight out and ask. “I’m feeling much better. Ready for some good food and some good wine.”

“You came to the right place.” He gestured toward the servers, who were already making the rounds with bottles of wine. “Chrissy and Vic’s parents went all out for this wedding. No expense spared, from what I understand.” He grinned. “You know Chrissy—it has to either be the full fairytale or nothing at all.”

I smiled again but didn’t say anything.

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