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The Ranch (A Second Chance Romance)

Page 44

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“Dude,” Nolan hissed. “Shut the fuck up about technicalities right now. We’re getting fucking naked.”

I laughed. “See?” I turned around and started undressing Nolan while Cooper was busy helping me out of my shirt and pants. “I like the way Nolan is thinking tonight.” I reached down to palm his already-rock-hard cock through his jeans. “That’s the sort of thinking that should always be rewarded.”

“Yes.” Nolan sucked in a sharp breath as he ground himself against my palm. “A reward sounds really good. And you already know the kind of reward I want.”

I stopped long enough for Cooper to get me undressed down to my bra and panties, then turned so to see—and grope, and kiss—both of them at the same time.

“You can start with his reward,” Cooper said, reaching down to let his fingers skim over the top of my panties. “But only if I get to make you feel good at the same time.”

“That sounds like a really good plan to me,” I said, tilting my head up while each of them kissed me in turn. “But in the bedroom? I’m dying to spread out on that big, soft mattress right now.”

Cooper took my hand and started leading me toward the bedroom. “No way in hell am I going to turn down a request like that. I love seeing you in my bed, baby. Fuck, I’m hard just thinking about it.”

Nolan leaned in from behind me and whispered into my ear as we walked, “I’m hard just from looking at this perfect ass in front of me,” and he playfully smacked my nearly-naked bottom, making me jump as an embarrassingly high-pitched squeal escaped my throat.

“Careful,” I winked as we made it to the bedroom. “I might want more of that.”

“Damn, I hope so,” Nolan’s voice was low and thick with desire as he pulled me close. “Because I want to give you everything you want. We both do.”

“Not just in the bedroom,” Cooper added, coming up behind me and rubbing his hand over the spot where Nolan had spanked me. “But in life. Everything you want, Poppy. But...” He paused, and I felt his lips curl into a smile as he leaned in and nipped at the side of my neck. “We’re still going to start in the bedroom.”

God, these guys always knew how to say exactly what I needed to hear. That was how they’d always been, too, even as teenagers.

I never had to wonder whether they meant those sweet words. They did mean every word without a doubt. Always.

And the fact that they meant everything they said? Yeah, it never failed to make me want them even more.

“Let’s get on the bed,” I said, even though that was where we’d been heading anyway. “I need you both so bad right now.”

“Fuck,” Nolan groaned as I gave his cock a squeeze. “Gotta get out of these damn clothes.”

“One step ahead of you,” Cooper said, nearly tripping as he stepped out of his jeans and kicked them aside. He landed right in the middle of the bed and pulled me down on top of him. “Kiss me while he’s undressing. He has to miss out because he’s taking so damn long.”

“So not fair,” Nolan protested, but Cooper’s mouth had already found mine.

Cooper’s hands moved up and down my body as we kissed, only stopping for a moment to unfasten my bra before he helped me out of it. Then another pair of hands were on me, gently sliding my panties down past my hips and thighs before finally whisking them away completely.

By the time Nolan joined us on the bed, we were all three completely naked, and I felt so needy that I didn’t waste any time moving between them and lowering my head to take Nolan’s cock into my mouth.

“Oh, fuck,” Nolan growled, fisting his hand in my hair and gently pulling me down. “Your mouth feels so good, Poppy. So fucking good.”

Behind me, Cooper’s hand moved between my legs, spreading me and exposing my most sensitive spot to his teasing fingertips.

I moaned around Nolan’s shaft and pressed back against Cooper’s hand, knowing they both understood what I wanted even though I hadn’t said a word.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” Cooper’s voice was low and gravelly and intense as he slipped a finger inside me. “Jesus, you’re already so wet for me, baby. Do you want me to fuck this pretty pussy? You’ve gotta tell me, sexy.”

I lifted my head, still stroking Nolan’s cock as it slipped from my mouth. “Yes—oh, God, yes. Please fuck me. Please, Cooper.”

These two were the only men I’d ever been with who could make me beg like that after only a few minutes together. And I willingly begged without feeling embarrassed or ashamed at all.

They knew me. They’d known me most of my life. They knew my body, and what I liked, and how to turn me on with a look or a touch—even with nothing more than a few choice words whispered at the right time.

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