Rapture & Ruin (Rapture & Ruin 1) - Page 62

I could practically hear that impertinent little huff to her tone as I read the text, and my lips twitched at the corners. I smothered the hint of a smile, forcing myself to remember how she’d shuddered at the prospect of having me in her home. Even on the night I’d saved her from getting hit by that car, she’d been horrified at the idea of me entering her apartment.

I sent her a stark reminder: It’s not safe for you to invite me inside. You don’t know what I’m capable of.

She replied with a challenge: Then why don’t you tell me? What would you do if you were here, Max?

Heat licked my veins. She was trying to prove a point, but her words unlocked the wicked, forbidden thoughts about her that I’d been obsessing over for weeks.

My fingers flew over the screen before I could think: I’d pin you against the wall and kiss you until you stop arguing with me. I wouldn’t be gentle. I would taste every inch of your hot little body. I would make you moan my name and beg before I finally let you come.

My breath stuck in my lungs, and I stared at what I’d typed. What I’d already sent in a burst of heated need for her. The message was marked as read, but she hadn’t replied.

Agonizing seconds passed, and nausea tinged my desire.

Then her reply came through: Prove it.

My feet were carrying me toward her door before I could formulate any second thoughts.

Chapter 19


Max hadn’t been waiting for me when I got home. I’d tried to ignore the way my chest tightened and went about my usual routine to decompress. It was too early to get ready for bed, even if it was a weeknight. I’d changed my professional attire for pajamas before cuddling up on my plush, gray velvet couch. I sank into the mountain of dusky pink pillows and snuggled under my matching blanket as I picked up my latest rom-com. When I opened the book and leafed to the page where I’d left off, the familiar scent of well-loved paper enveloped me just as warmly as my blanket.

For a while, I disconnected from all my problems and disappeared into another world, crafted of beautiful words and sparkling characters. Until Max sent me that insanely hot message, leaving me flushed and flustered in a way only he could.

A knock on my door jolted me, and I clutched the book to my chest, applying pressure to my suddenly racing heart. Gavin’s glower filled my mind, and for a second, I froze like a spooked doe.

My phone chimed, sending another little shock through my jittery system. I glanced at the screen. A text from Max: I’m outside.

My heartbeat sped up for an entirely different reason. I flung my blanket aside and set down my book on the coffee table, surging to my feet. I paused for a moment, frowning down at the little pink posies that dotted my baby blue silk pajamas.

He knocked again. No time to change. I didn’t want him to think fear had gotten the better of me. I still wanted him to come inside.

I rushed to the door, the black and white checked foyer tiles cool against my bare feet. All my senses came alive whenever Max was near, every inch of my body hyperaware of sensation. I didn’t fully understand this thrilling connection we shared, but I craved more of it.

I slid back the deadbolt and flung open the door. Max’s hulking form was illuminated from the streetlights above, the angle of the light casting shadows beneath the sharp lines of his face. The skull-like mask no longer frightened me. He’d come to see me, but some part of him still wanted to push me away.

His dark eyes glittered as they roved over my body, seeming to trail over each tiny pink flower on my pajamas as he slowly studied me. His gaze followed a lazy path back up to my face, coming to rest on my heated cheeks. The sensual lips that set mine aflame curved into a tilted smirk.

“Cute pjs.”

My face burned hotter, mortified that he’d seen me in my childish sleep clothes. I lifted my chin and willed myself to meet his teasing head-on. “You’re late. I didn’t think you were coming, so I changed into something more comfortable.”

“I didn’t think I was coming, either. But here I am.”

He didn’t step inside. He was utterly still, coiled tight with the effort of restraining himself.

My heart squeezed. He didn’t realize that I wasn’t scared anymore. I wanted to erase this lingering pain between us.

I took a breath and extended my hand, waiting for him to accept it. “I want you to come inside.”

His jaw ticked, and the shadows darkened beneath his brow and cheekbones.

I stared up at him, cool and resolute. “That scowl won’t work on me,” I informed him. “Come in.”

Tags: Julia Sykes Rapture & Ruin Crime
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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