what you most need
to learn.
"You're awfully quiet over there, Richard," said Shimoda, as though he wanted to talk with me.
"Yeah," I said, and went on reading. If this was a book for masters only, I didn't want to let go of it.
never to be
ashamed if anything you do
or say is published
around the world even if
what is published
is not true.
You are led
through your lifetime
by the inner learning creature,
the playful Spiritual being
that is your real self.
Don't turn away
from possible futures
before you're certain you don't have
anything to learn from them.
You're always free
to change your mind and
choose a different future, or
a different
Choose a different past? Literally or figuratively or how did it mean . . . ? "I think my mind just boggled, Don. I don't know how I could possibly learn this stuff."
"Practice. A little theory and a lot of practice," he said. "Take you about a week and a half."
"A week and a half."
"Yeah. Believe you know all answers, and you know all answers. Believe you're a master, and you are."
"I never said I wanted to be any master."