Rhapsody (Butcher and Violinist 1) - Page 8

What’s his problem? I don’t think he’s a classical music fan.

I swallowed.

Shalimar leaned my way. “Don’t be nervous.”

I let out a long breath.

Shalimar gave me a weak smile. “It takes a while to get used to this place.”

I placed the case behind me. I was glad I still had my mask on. Although that didn’t help. He raised his view to my face, and his expression didn’t change.

Hey dude, I’m here to play the violin. That’s it.

I didn’t think Shalimar noticed the exchange as she continued to give me tips. “And don’t shy away from any of these guys. If they think you’re weak, then they’ll exploit that. Look bold, but also keep to yourself.”

O-kay. Boldly quiet?

I looked in a different direction. The woman on the stage was completely naked. Her pearl gown lay one the floor. She twisted her hips and slipped her hands up and down her curvy body.

I glanced at the gorgeous guy at the table.

He was still watching at me.

Blushing, I looked away.

“If they think you’re weak, then they’ll exploit that. Look bold, but also stay to yourself.”

Breathing in and out, I decided to stare him down. I didn’t know what his problem was with my violin, but he could focus on the naked women around him. I was here to get some quick cash, not rain on his parade.

Be bold, Eden!

I turned back to him.

Our eyes met across the room. A jolt ran through my body that I couldn’t explain. His gaze captured mine and I couldn’t look away. Still, he stared, not breaking our eye contact. If we’d engaged in a power-staring contest, then he’d win. And his eyes were an intense blue, like fire so hot, it was past the fire burning-orange stage.


I tore my gaze away, flushing. I had never experienced such an immediate attraction to someone. Heat gathered between my thighs. I hoped I didn’t look flustered, and I hoped that he didn’t know that he’d done it to me.

I’m sure he does. With that face, he makes women blush all the time.

“Okay.” Shalimar gestured at the dancer on the stage. “Pearl is almost done.”

I cleared my throat and pushed the sexy guy out of my head. “Cool.”

“After Pearl finishes, Mikey will clean up the stage. Your aunt is lowkey excited to show you off. She bought a special chair, and the chef will make you our signature dishes.”

“That sounds exciting.” I glanced at the guy, and he’d returned his view to my case.

Really, dude?

Pearl left the stage. People clapped, except the mystery man. He’d kept his gaze on the violin case. My heartbeat increased.

“Everything okay?” Shalimar asked.

“Uh. . .who’s that guy at the table over there,” I whispered. “I don’t want to point, but he’s looking at me pissed. Does he hate live music or something?”

“Oh, him.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s glaring at me. Ignore him.”

“But who is he?”

“That’s Jean-Pierre, and the only other thing you need to know is that he is the most dangerous man in this place. If your aunt knew that he was here, she would’ve had me turn you around.”

I gulped in fear. “Should I turn around?”

“Not if you want to make some cash.”

“Fair point.”

“Don’t worry. He’ll move on to glaring at someone else. Soon, he’ll pick a girl and then take them up to the fourth level.”

“The one with no cameras?”

“Or security.”

“Do the girls come back?”

Shalimar laughed so loud a few men looked our way. “I’m sorry, but the place isn’t that bad. Of course, the girls come back.”

“Yeah. Sorry. I’m anxious.”

“You’ll be fine. Remember. Stay away from him and anybody else.” She glanced at her watch. “Okay. Your shift starts now. Break a leg.”

That’s a theater phrase, but I’ll take it with the hopes of not breaking my leg on the way up to the stage.

Chapter 2

Fifty Shades of Classical


When it was time to play, I slipped into performance mode and ignored the audience.

I stepped onto the stage in minutes. Mikey placed a huge chair at the center. Another guy carried a microphone up, placed it in front of the stage, and lowered it below my face level. Clearing my throat, I sat down and enjoyed the comfort. Right next to the chair was a black hat that I assumed was for tips.


Most of the men and women continued to chatter around me. No one glanced my way, but I felt the heat of him.

Don’t think about this Jean-Pierre. Focus on the music.

I could sense him watching me the whole time as I opened the case and took the violin out. The chandelier’s light caressed the polished wood.

I pulled out the bow first. Few knew that the white part of the bow was made from sheep intestines. The craftsman cleaned the guts, soaking them in water, and then took the fat off. From there, the intestines were saturated in an alkaline substance and then stretched.

Tags: Kenya Wright Butcher and Violinist Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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