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Rhapsody (Butcher and Violinist 1)

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Louis sighed. “Why are we tracking her again?”

I quirked my eyebrows, shocked at his audacity.

“This is just new territory for me.”

“I’m curious about her.”

My curiosity had dragged on for these two weeks. Tomorrow we would leave.

Nothing was accomplished.

Someone had put men around Eden. I’d planned on going to her the next day. I had no idea what I would say, but I couldn’t help myself. And then she was walled away from me.

While I could handle the Bratva, I couldn’t do it without all my men. Many had remained back in France. God only knew how many Russians watched Eden. Also, now was not the time to start an international war, especially over a strange woman and a violin.

My phone rang.

I checked it.

Louis: She turned off the bedroom light.

Me: I’m coming. Let me know when the package comes.

Louis: Okay.

The only good thing about the Bratva being around Eden was that they kept other men away from her and remained hidden. The celloist had returned with some flowers. The Bratva had hemmed him up before he made it to the steps.

At the next day’s practice, Felix reported that the celloist avoided Eden for the rest of the week. As far as I’d assessed, Eden had no idea that Russians and French watched her.

Why and who?

I didn’t have a plan for Eden, or Belladonna. The goal was to have them remain together. The problem was if I could walk away.

And now I can’t get close to her without starting a war.

She’d become the Iliad’s Helen of Troy without even knowing it. Too bad there wasn’t a wooden horse big enough for me to sneak into her home.

Waiting for a moment with her had turned into torture. While I’d thought I had lived a hard life, these weeks had been brutal. To see her, but not touch her. To listen to her play, but not be able to give her praise.

I shouldn’t be watching her anyway.

My phone rang.

I picked it up. “Yes.”

Louis spoke. “It should be arriving now.”


The limo parked right next to the van.

The Russians watched it.

I bet they had an idea of who I was.

Why else would the person have called the big guns?

A large white van drove up and parked in front of her apartment.

A chubby man in overalls stepped outside, whistled, and walked to the back of the van. Headphones were stuck in his ears. The guy opened the back, climbed in, and came back out with a small cage.

Movement came from the Russian’s van as if they were readying themselves to get out.

All the lights were off in the apartment. Both Eden and her roommate had a busy day of events tomorrow. The Belladonna Symphony had a kid camp in the morning, a charity event in the afternoon, and then their regular performance that evening.

I hope she likes her.

The Russian’s black van door opened.

The chubby man didn’t notice as he set the cage on the ground, opened it, and pulled a basket out.

A tiny kitten meowed from the top.

The Russian’s van door shut close.

The kitten meowed some more and scanned the big new world around her. A tiny leash attached her to the pink collar and basket. A red bow stuck to the side of the basket.

Whistling, the chubby guy carried the kitten and basket to the doorstep.

I cursed, when the red bow fell to the sidewalk and the chubby man stepped over it.

Will anything go right?

The Russians remained in the van, monitoring the situation.

What will your report be tonight? Le Boucher gave Eden a kitten.

I grinned as the chubby man left the basket on the step, knocked really hard, and did a stumbling run back to the van.

I chuckled to myself.

He made it to the van in time and started it right as Eden opened the door.

She stepped out and looked down at the kitten.

The van sped away.

The Russians turned their focus to my limo.

And a lovely smile spread on Eden’s face.

“Go ahead,” I told the driver.

Whoever you are. You can surround her, but I can still get to her.

Chapter 19

Pussy Serenade


After licking my pussy to orgasm, Jean-Pierre carried me to his bedroom. It was half of the size of my apartment.

He undressed me. “You played wonderfully this evening.”

“Thank you.” I turned around for him to unzip me.

“That song. . .” Jean-Pierre lowered his voice. “You can’t play it.”

My gown dropped to the floor.

“Then, I’ll never play it again.”

“Hmmm.” His gaze slipped over my bodysuit. “No. Only play for me.”


“Did you sleep well last night?”

Being close to him didn’t help my nervousness. Butterflies bounced in my stomach. “Yes. I slept well.”

“Tonight, and from now on, you’ll sleep in my room.” He brushed his mouth against mine. “Does that make you nervous?”

“A little.” I shivered from his touch. “But I’ll. . .get used to it.”

He undid his jacket and yanked it off. “We’ll take our time. I want to learn how to play your body.”

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