Rhapsody (Butcher and Violinist 1) - Page 98

Kazimir nodded. “Then have a good evening, gentleman.”

I told him goodbye in Russian. “Proshchay.”

Sasha mumbled something to them.

Kazimir and Misha chuckled as they left.

To my surprise, Sasha remained. He never looked over his shoulder, but I could tell he was waiting for Kazimir and Misha to get some distance between us.

After three minutes, Sasha spoke, “You’ve heard of me?”

“You’re the wolf,” I said.

He kept his voice low. “Your problem has a simple answer.”

“And what is that?”

Sasha smiled. “Get rid of the Uncle and Kazimir too.”

“That sounds complicated, but I’m interested in how that could be simplified.”

Sasha frowned. “I believe that Kazimir will fall into an unlucky situation soon.”

Louis and Rafael exchanged glances but remained silent.

While I’d thought Sasha had accepted the Bratva’s choice and remained loyal to his step brother, I was wrong.

I proceeded with caution. “It would be unfortunate, if Kazimir was harmed. But if he was?”

“Then, I would not care what happened to his Uncle Igor. The man is no relation to me, and he is part of the very old thinking of the Bratva.”

The sort of thinking that would find a homosexual leader repulsive.

“And what would you need from me, Sasha?”

“Your men. Just in case Kazimir is not taken down.” Sasha raised his finger. “Or if there is more opposition of my taking the reign than I assumed.”

Rafael spoke, “So, you want us to help you fight your own men?”

“If necessary,” Sasha admitted.

“And if not?” I asked.

“Then, I’ll find another way for you to show me support, but most of all, you will have no problem getting to your violinist.”

“And if we chose to give this information to Kazimir?” Rafael asked.

Sasha slowly shook his head. “Then, that violinist would not be able to play her violin. She may not be able to speak or taste food either.”

Louis stepped between us, before I moved.

I hadn’t considered it. The threat was to keep his secret safe. I trusted him before because of it. This showed it wasn’t a ploy, but a man desperate to make a play for the throne.

“What do you need from me now?” I gritted my teeth.

“Send several hundred men to New York. I need girls too. I want to put my headquarters there.”

“Getting into America has been difficult for me.”

“Not anymore. I’ll get you off America’s radar.” Sasha glanced over his shoulder as if to make sure Misha or Kazimir hadn’t returned. “Send your men this week and we’ll meet at my place in Manhattan. I’ll discuss the plan further.”

“I’ll have men in New York, but I want a show of faith too.”

He raised his eyebrows. “What do you want me to do?”

“Tell Kazimir and Igor that you’ll take over this situation. Have Igor’s men change to your men.”

Sasha grinned. “And then you want my men to let you near the violinist?”


“Fine. I can make it happen at the end of the week, but now I want guns too.”

“Deal.” I placed my hands in my pockets. “No need to shake.”

“None at all. Plus, I wouldn’t want anyone reporting back that I did.” He nodded and walked away. “I will see you in New York.”

“You sure will.”

Once Sasha left our view, Rafael whistled.

Louis turned to me. “You’re not serious about this right?”

“About working with Sasha?” I asked.


“I am.”

Louis shook his head. “Sasha won’t outsmart Kazimir. I don’t care what plan he’s putting together.”

“I’m not helping him outsmart Kazimir. I’m just giving him men. Let them fight the throne out. As far as Kazimir will know, I pull my people out of Moscow and St. Petersburg and send them to New York.”

Rafael shrugged. “That would be smooth.”

“My men are now in New York. They remain on standby with no knowledge to Sasha’s plan.” I stared at the dark sky. “Sasha changes Igor’s men with his. Now I have access to America and Eden.”

“But you have Kazimir heading your way,” Louis insisted.

“No.” I headed off. “I put our men in New York, but they don’t move against Kazimir. Sasha has to make his move with his men. If he kills Kazimir, then that’s fine. If he doesn’t, then that’s fine too. My men are only in New York. The Corsican are not involved with the Bratva’s inner war.”

“Wait.” Louis got to my side. “And it doesn’t matter—”

“Because I’ll have Eden with me, before anyone knows if Kazimir is dead or not.”

Rafael asked on my other side, “How are you going to have Eden with you?”

“I’ll figure something out.”

Chapter 30

Lose Control


I woke to no one in bed and the sound of the shower running from my suite’s bathroom. Yawning, I moved the silk sheets off my nude body. My limbs ached from the reunion sex we’d had in the Eiffel Tower.

I rolled over and stretched. My muscles felt heavy and relaxed, if a tad sore in some unusual places. I drew in a deep breath. The scents of Jean-Pierre swarmed around me—expensive cologne, sex, and male musk.

Tags: Kenya Wright Butcher and Violinist Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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