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Rhapsody (Butcher and Violinist 1)

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The waitress walked off.

I stared at the stage, not even seeing the dancing women in front of me. All I could think about were the possibilities that could come from this night. I didn’t know if the waitress was correct or not. It would be a cruel joke if Eden walked right onto this stage this evening.

All the ways that I’d dreamt of meeting her—after one of her performances, on a sunny day in a park, or maybe even casually walking up to her at a bar. I’d come up with many moments to accidentally meet her, but never at a brothel.

No. This isn’t the way I want to meet her.

Louis cursed next to me, and I knew that Eden must’ve walked in.

I looked in his direction. Fury hit me.

Eden stood right at the entrance. Shalimar talked to her on her side, pointing to different places in the room and then to the stage.

Eden. Jesus Christ. You’re right there. Right in front of me. And in a fucking brothel for god-sakes.

I drank in my beautiful siren. She had on a mask, but I knew it was her. I’d studied that chin and the way her black curls dangled along her face. I could point those full lips out of a crowd and those lovely eyes too.

I lowered my view, taking in the elegant dress that formed against her sensual frame. In her hands, she held my sweet Belladonna.

For these past years, I’d watched them both from my computer screen. I fell asleep to her playing. Those songs seeped into my dreams. They became the soundtrack to my life.

And now she’s here.

I stared at the violin case.

Celina has Belladonna and Eden in this filthy place.

More rage hit me.

Louis whispered next to me, “Calm down, Jean-Pierre.”

“I am calm.”

“You look like you’re going to kill someone.”

“I’m not happy that Celina has Eden playing in a goddamn brothel.”

“Still,” Louis nodded her way. “You’re creeping out Eden.”

What? She sees me?

I looked up at Eden.

Time froze, when my eyes met hers for the first time. My tongue went thick in my mouth. My breathing grew shallow. My heart boomed impossibly fast.

On the screen her eyes had been a subtle hazel, now those eyes glowed like the sun rises over Paris. And I very much wanted to feel their burn.

So close.

Closer than I’d ever been before.

I could grab her now and run away. Everything in my body yearned to take her. Gritting my teeth, I gripped the edge of the table hard. Shalimar turned my way and widened her eyes.

Stay quiet, Shalimar. Don’t ruin this for me.

Shalimar whispered something to Eden. I wished I could make out the words. Eden nodded, turned away for a few seconds, and then looked back at me.

You’re going to be mine one day.

Eden left Shalimar. Behind Eden’s back, Shalimar motioned and pointed upstairs as if she was telling me to meet her up there.

I tilted Giorgio’s way. “Take Shalimar up to Rafael. They need to talk. I’ll stay here with Eden.”

Giorgio followed my orders and left.

I concentrated on Eden.

Slowly, she walked onto the stage and I had to force myself to breathe.

A man jumped onto the stage with a microphone and placed it next to her. Next, he brought a chair.

Was this worth it, Celina? Eden should be on a stage in Paris. Now she’s on a tiny stage in your brothel, and she’s still not safe from me.

I held my wicked grin back, unable to truly move.

When I’d woken up this morning, I’d only planned to meet Sasha at the bathhouse. Later, I would’ve flown to Belladonna with hope in my heart. Now this evening, I sat in front of Eden as she began to play on the stage.

Whatever God has done this, I will pray to it for the rest of my life.

Eden sat down and pulled Belladonna out.

The audience’s chatter hushed.

The light dimmed.

She scanned the space. For a second, her view stopped on me.

I froze again like an idiot. At the bare minimum, I hoped I didn’t have that angry look on my face since earlier. I just wanted to be prepared when I saw her.

This wasn’t the way we were supposed to meet, Eden.

She gave me a nervous smile. And I’d never seen anything so gorgeous in my life. Her lips were a shiny, dark plum. The bottom curve was much fuller than the top.

I yearned to bite it and then suck it into my mouth. I’d never had such a powerful need to kiss someone.


She cleared her throat and played.

As soon as the bow hit the string, I lost my senses.


My body hummed to her song more than ever before. So close to her, every part of me came alive. My ears woke up. My view brightened. My skin warmed and I tasted a sweetness on my tongue.

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