Mr. Park Lane (The Mister) - Page 52

Dexter was right. It felt empty. Even though I’d only slept with Hartford once, being with her made me feel full. And if I was full, I didn’t need Kelly. Or anyone else.

“I like the company of beautiful women,” I said. “I’m not going to apologize for that. Most men would give up a limb to spend a night with one of the women I . . . You get the point.”

“Who gives a fuck what other men think,” Andrew said. “The only person who matters is you. And maybe your mum. Fuck the rest of them. You don’t sleep with women to make other men jealous. Or because you’ve convinced yourself it’s the only way to avoid being hurt. You make love to a woman because she makes you happy.”

It was like he’d punched a hole clear through my chest and I could feel the wind whistling through.

Hartford made me happy.

Not she’s-fun-to-hang-out-with happy, but really miss-her-as-soon-as-she-leaves-the-room happy.

It made me want to pull her into my arms and spend the night swapping stories. And it made me want to lace up my trainers and run.

“God damn you, Andrew. You’re always fucking working. Why do you have to be available tonight?” He knew I didn’t mean it. It was why, along with the group message, I’d sent him a one-on-one follow-up saying I hoped it could make it. I’d needed him here.

He unleashed a smile. “You’re welcome.”

“Say in theory, you all are right and I like Hartford and I’m protecting myself. How do I convince her to take a chance on me? She . . . thinks I’m only capable of having casual relationships.” I wasn’t sure she wasn’t wrong. I didn’t know where the bloody hell to start. “I’m not going to push myself on someone who’s not interested—”

“You coward. You need to pursue her. Convince her,” Tristan said.

“What? You think I should be like you and stalk her into doing my bidding? How many women have taken out injunctions on you?”

“Persistence pays off,” he said, disappointingly not rising to the bait I was dangling. “And if she’s worth it, she’s worth a bit of effort. Stoke the fire of desire.”

“The what? You know—never mind. I can’t convince Hartford I’m the man for her when she probably thinks I’m exactly the opposite of the man she wants.”

“Why not?” asked Andrew. “Gabriel used to think he wanted to be a lawyer. Look at him now—covered in sawdust most of the time. People can change. You should at least give her a chance to see the man who is serious about her and let her make up her mind.”

I groaned. She probably saw herself with another doctor, a man who saved lives and did other worthy things. “Actually, I need to find her another date. The guy I had lined up went back to his girlfriend. I need someone good. The last guy was a disaster.”

“Instead of finding her another date, why don’t you take her out?” Tristan asked.

“Have you been talking to Hollie? Hartford would just laugh and say I was too lazy to find her someone else.”

“I’ve got an idea,” Dexter said. “I know a doctor. Good-looking guy. Sporty. Only issue is he’s a Chelsea supporter, but if we leave that aside, he’s a good catch. I think he actually did that doctors in warzones thing that Hartford did.”

It felt as if Dexter was slowly sinking a knife into my stomach. “How is this helpful?”

Dexter continued. “This guy isn’t ready to settle down. But you can show her who he is online. She’ll be excited to meet him, right?”

“Again, I’m not sure how this is helping,” I said.

“You tell her that maybe she should have a practice date with you,” Dexter explained. “To make sure things go well for that last date. You offer to give her feedback, tell her you’ll coach her so her date with my mate goes well.”

“I like it,” Tristan said. “Then you can make your move.”

“You should be on the date for real,” Dexter said. “Pick her up, give her flowers, compliment her, take her to dinner somewhere really romantic, hold her hand across the table. Maybe kiss her at the end of the date. By the time you’re done, she’ll have forgotten all about my mate.”

“Basically, you’re saying I should trick her into going out with me?” What I liked most about my relationship with Hartford was there were no games or pretenses. I could be exactly who I was with her because she was exactly who she was with me. Except I’d gone and fucked that all up by catching feelings.

Dexter shrugged. “Not trick her exactly. She’ll just get the opportunity to see you at your best. What have you got to lose?”

Hartford. Hartford was what I had to lose. But if I didn’t do anything, I’d lose her anyway. It was worth a shot.

Tags: Louise Bay Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024