Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 5

He smirked a little. “I pick the vegetables, too.”

“Right. Sorry.”

He laughed and waved his hand. “I wear a lot of hats.”

“You like it here?”

“I love it.”

“Have you been here long?”

“The restaurant opened about a year ago. The produce store has been open for about two years.”

He seemed so intelligent and capable. Capable of more than selling vegetables.

“Is this your career?”

He tilted his head, regarding me in silence. “There’s way more to life than money, Dani.”

I flushed. “I know that. I just mean…”

“I know what you mean. Appearances aren’t everything.”

“I don’t understand.”

He lifted his glass, draining it, his eyes never leaving mine.

The side door opened, and a tall man with the biggest arms I’d ever seen walked in, carrying a large basket. “Hey, Noah. I got more stuff for tonight’s service. And the beans should be ready for Friday.”

Noah stood, wiping his mouth. “Great, Gabe.”

Gabe grinned. “Late lunch?”

Noah nodded. “Gabe, this is Dani. Dani—this is my brother.”

“Hey, Dani. Nice to meet you.”


“She hadn’t eaten. I thought I’d try out tonight’s special on her.” Noah took the basket and carried it into the kitchen.

“Did you like it?” Gabe asked.

“It’s wonderful. I told Noah to compliment the chef.”

Gabe’s smile was wide, his eyes dancing. They were darker than Noah’s bright-green color. So was his hair. He was older by a few years, I judged. “I’m sure he appreciated it.”

I smiled back, unsure what that meant.

Gabe raised his hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m off, Noah!” he called.

Noah reappeared. “See you later.”

I wiped my mouth and stood. “I should get going.”


“I need to finish shopping, and then I’d better head back.” I hesitated. “Could you tell me how to get back to Toronto?”

His eyes twinkled in the dim light. “I’ll write it down for you. As long as you get the first few turns right, you’ll be fine. Lots of signs after that.”

“Okay, great.”

I followed him back into the store and picked up my basket, feeling better. My head was clearer, and I no longer felt shaky. I must have been hungrier than I thought.

I ignored the little voice in my head that whispered Noah’s presence had a lot to do with me feeling better. I didn’t know the man—how could he possibly have anything to do with it?

I added some more items, including some of the goat cheese and honey butter from the cooler. I carried the basket to the cash register, where Noah was waiting for me. I’d felt his eyes watching me the whole time I shopped. More than once, I glanced up and our gazes met, the smallest smile curling his lips as he saw me inhaling the scent of the fresh cilantro and gently squeezing the apples for the firmest ones.

He rang up my purchases, packing them into a box.

“Can you add my lunch to the same bill?”

“Lunch was on me, Dani.”

“You can’t do that!”

“I can, and it’s done.”

I grasped his hand. “Noah, I don’t want you to get into any trouble. Please let me pay for my lunch.”

Once again, I was treated to that devastatingly wicked grin. “I promise you, Dani. I won’t get into any trouble.” He handed me my receipt. “I’ll carry this to your car.” He lifted the box, drawing my eyes to his biceps. They were muscular and firm-looking—not as large as his brother’s but toned and cut. I couldn’t help the thought I preferred them from popping into my head. I wondered how it would feel if he wrapped them around me. I had to drop my gaze.

He came behind me, smiling as I held the door open. His hair once again caught the sun, glints of blond and red woven into the sandy brown, especially at the ends. He obviously spent a great deal of time outdoors. As he settled my box into the trunk, I wondered if I, too, would get a kiss on my cheek. I shook my head at the thought.

He handed me a card with The Harvest Table logo on it. “I wrote my phone number and the directions on the back.” He tapped the words. “If you read them backward, you could find your way back here.” He paused. “If you wanted to.”

I glanced at the written instructions gratefully. I was only about forty-five minutes out of town, but I had driven much farther earlier. With the various turns off the highway, it would be hard to find this place without GPS. The thought that I would like to find my way back flitted through my head.

He stepped forward, close enough I could feel the heat coming from his body, smell his unique, calming scent. “I’d like it if you did.”

I blinked up at him. “Thank you, Noah. For lunch…for being kind. Everything.”

He bent down and grazed his lips across my cheek, stopping close to my ear. His warm breath drifted over my skin. “The pleasure, Dani, was all mine.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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