Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 12

His shirts were exactly where he told me, and I pulled out a navy T-shirt, slipping it on. It was loose and hung low, but it was clean. I padded downstairs to find Noah unloading the last of the items on the counter. I checked and assured him I had everything I needed.

He smiled, chucking me under the chin playfully. “I like you in my shirt.”

I laughed. “It’s a bit long, but it’s clean.”

He winked. “That happens when you’re short.”

I rolled my eyes, accepting the apron he handed me. It was the same as the one he’d been wearing the first day I met him, and he grinned widely when I finished tying it up. He kissed me warmly and told me he’d be back soon, or if he was busy, he’d send Gabe or Ella.

I nodded, already reaching for the peeled apples when his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

“I love seeing you in my kitchen, Dani.” He kissed the side of my neck. “And with my apron on.” He traced a line up to my ear with his tongue. “I’d like to see you with just the apron on one day.”

I shivered, and he laughed low in his throat, his chest rumbling against my back. He dropped another kiss on my cheek and walked backward all the way to the door, his gaze never leaving me.

“I want to see that soon.” He grinned. “Very soon.”

Then he was gone.

A tall, leggy redheaded woman walked in the door a little over an hour later. With her hair hanging down her back and tight jeans on, she was stunning. But her smile was wide and friendly, and she held out her hand. “You must be Sprout…I mean, Dani. I’m Ella, Gabe’s wife.”


I shook her hand, and she chuckled. “John loves to tell stories. It’s rare we ever have something to tease Noah about these days.” She shrugged. “Sorry.”

I had to laugh. “I somehow don’t think you are.”

“Not really.” Then she inhaled deeply. “Something smells wonderful.”

“I put the crumble in to start cooking since it takes the longest. The cobbler can go in as soon as it gets to the restaurant. The caramel sauce is almost done.”

“Great. I’ll take them over—I told Callie to make sure the oven was on so they can finish cooking there.”

“Okay. I’ll clean up and…” I trailed off. “Could you give me directions how to walk back to my car? I know Noah is busy, so I don’t want to disturb him.”

She looked at me as if I were crazy. “Dani, I’m to bring you to the restaurant when you’re ready, and you can join us after for supper. The five of us always eat together once service is over for the week. Noah would love to have you join us. We all would.” She smiled, her voice kind. “It’ll be nice for him to have someone there.”

I didn’t want to sit here for the next few hours. “Can I help serve dessert? I like to make it a certain way. If, um…that’s okay.”

She tilted her head to the side, studying me in silence for a moment. Then she nodded. “That would be great. More than great.” She slipped her arm around my shoulders and gave me a brief hug. “I think you’re going to fit in well around here. I know Noah thinks so as well.”

I turned back to the caramel sauce, her words making me smile.

Chapter Six


Ella insisted on helping me clean up while the crisp kept cooking. She was chatty and friendly. She told me about her two children, both in their teens. “They adore Noah. He’s their favorite uncle.” She winked. “But don’t tell John. He thinks it’s him.”

I chuckled. “Okay.”

“Callie has one son. He’s eight.” Her smile made her eyes crinkle. “We call him mini-John. He worships his dad.”

“Where are they?” I asked.

“With Mom and Pops. Saturday night is usually movie fest night for them. Popcorn and pizza prevail.”

“That’s wonderful. Do they like being on the farm?”

“They love it. They all help out. I’m sure you’ll meet them all soon enough.”

I wasn’t sure how to reply to that statement.

Between us, we had the kitchen tidy in no time and left for the restaurant. I was already looking forward to seeing Noah again.

When we arrived, he came outside the back door with Gabe. They picked up the large pans to take them inside, the huge oven mitts they wore with funny faces on them making me smile. I followed them inside, marveling at the bustling kitchen and the fragrant aromas. Noah grinned and dropped a fast kiss on my cheek, murmuring his thanks, then returned to his busy station. He obviously did more than simply help out here. I had the feeling he played down a lot of the things he handled.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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