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Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection

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Me: It’s a little far away right now.

Noah: I told you—I’d come to you.

I gasped, my fingers flying over the keys.

Me: Where are you?

Noah: Outside your door. It’s lonely and noisy out here. Can I come in?

I wasn’t sure my feet touched the floor as I raced to the door, yanking it open. Noah stood there, a knapsack over his shoulder and another Harvest Table box held in his arms. He looked nervous.

“Too much?”

Reaching out, I fisted his shirt in my hand and pulled him inside. Seconds later, the box was on the table, his knapsack hit the floor, and he wrapped his arms around me so tightly I could hardly breathe. We both groaned as our mouths met, melding together. It was a kiss of welcome, relief, and need. It was messy, sloppy, and perfect as we greeted each other, the sweet surprise at seeing him rushing through me.

“What are you doing, you crazy man?”

“I finished the late lunch with my family, and I went home, planning on my usual quiet Sunday of relaxing and reading. But all I could think about was you. So, I got in my truck and drove in.”

“Where did you park?”

“I met a woman when I was looking for a spot—she said she was your neighbor. Angie, I think?”

I nodded.

“She said her husband was away until Tuesday and I could park in her spot—right beside you.”

I lifted my eyebrow at him. “And the knapsack?”

He grinned, looking impish. “I have a note from my mom saying I could spend the night if you wanted.”

I burst out laughing.

“I can stay until Tuesday morning.”

“That’s two nights.”

“I brought pot roast.”

“You sure know how to sell a girl.”

“I thought maybe we could test out that stamina theory you had.”

“After the pot roast?”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Definitely. You’re gonna need the fuel.”

Chapter Nine


It was well past two when I woke up. I rolled onto my side, turning my head and smiling at Noah in the dim light coming from the hall. He was watching me, his hand resting on my hip.

“You’re not asleep?”

He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m not used to the noise anymore.”

“You used to live here?”

“A long time ago.”

I sensed he didn’t want to talk about it. “Can I do something to help you sleep?”

He ran his hand down my side, taking the blanket with him. He edged closer, his large hand spread across my back, teasing my skin, giving me shivers.

“What do you have in mind, Ms. Rawlins?”

“Whatever you want.”

He hitched my leg over his thigh, his erection pressing against me, hard and unyielding. He ghosted his fingers over my breast, circling my nipple with his thumb. “So…so many possibilities.”

I arched into his touch, groaning as his cock slid against me. After eating what I was sure was the best pot roast I’d ever tasted, he’d fucked me on my couch, and then again after we came to bed—early—because he insisted that I looked “tired.” I should be exhausted, but I wanted him again. Desperately. And from the way his cock pressed into me, he felt the same way.

“I want you slow, Dani. I want to watch you come for me.” He wrapped his hand around my neck, pulling my face close to his, his voice low with desire. “I want to hear you whimper my name. Feel you clutch my cock and shatter all around me.”

I groaned, aching for him to fill me again. He covered my mouth, kissing me. His tongue slid along mine, delving, exploring, possessing. I had never been kissed the way Noah kissed me. I felt his emotion, his passion, in every glide of his tongue, nip of his teeth, and the low grunts and growls deep in his chest. He cupped my head, his large hands never rough, but firm and warm. He directed me without words, and I followed, happy to go wherever he wanted me as long as it was with him.

He pressed forward, slipping inside and moving leisurely, his thrusts slow, deep, and even. He buried his face into my neck, swirling his tongue, his breath hot on my skin. He nibbled on my ear, pulling the lobe between his teeth and whispering praises in the dim light.

“You feel so good, Dani.”

“Inside you is like heaven.”

“Being with you is my favorite thing ever. I never want it to end.”

He caressed and stroked with his long fingers moving over my clit in gentle passes, making my breath hitch and every nerve in my body tingle and spark. We moved in perfect synchronization—as if we’d been doing this for years, not a couple of days. Like a banked, low fire, our passion built, finally erupting—his grip becoming tighter, his fingers moving faster, his thrusts more powerful.

“Now, baby… Come for me now,” he pleaded, pressing his fingers down. I shattered, my entire body locking down, crying out his name as he pulled me closer, groaning into my neck.

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