Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 23

“So good, Dani,” he praised. “You feel so fucking good.”

He pushed deeper forward, holding me close, and emptied himself inside me, shuddering and moaning my name.

Gently he separated us, only to pull me back into his arms, wrapping me close. “I love having you beside me,” he whispered.

I hummed in agreement, smiling as his entire frame relaxed, his body becoming heavy with sleep.

I guess I had helped.

Noah came to the office with me Monday morning, insisting he wanted to pick up a few things and explore the city a little.

“I have a friend I texted. He’s going to meet me in town for coffee. I’ll wander for a bit and meet up with him.”

“An old friend?”

He grimaced, then a smile replaced the odd look on his face. “A good one. We drifted apart, but we’re closer again. Daniel’s a veterinarian and a busy guy, but he insisted we meet since I’m so close.”

“That’s great.” I stopped at the office. “This is me.”

He glanced up at the tall structure. I was sure I saw a shudder run through his frame and another frown mar his face. “Looks familiar,” he muttered.

Before I could ask, he pulled me into his arms. “I hope today is okay for you. Call me if you need me.”

“I’ll be fine,” I assured him, forcing down the anxiety that had been building the closer we got to the office. I didn’t want him to worry.

He met my eyes. “I’m here.”

I smiled. “I know.”

Upstairs, I went into my office, sitting at my desk. It felt strange to be here, which made no sense. I spent more time behind this desk than anywhere. I shook my head, opening my laptop and getting to work. Lynn arrived, bringing in a cup of coffee and a stack of mail and files. She greeted me with her usual cheerfulness.

“Morning, boss. How was your weekend? I hope you didn’t spend all of it here,” she inquired as she puttered around, fixing already perfect cushions and tapping a plant pot on the window ledge over a fraction of an inch.

“No. Actually, I, ah, spent Saturday and Sunday with a friend.”

She stopped in her incessant tidying of my office. “What did you say?”

I chuckled. I knew I had shocked her. I was certain I had never mentioned spending time with a friend until now. “I spent some time with a friend,” I repeated.

Her eyes narrowed. “Anyone I know?”


“Does this friend have a name?”

I couldn’t help teasing her. “Yes. I don’t think his parents would forget a thing like that. It would be weird just calling him ‘it’ all his life.”

She laughed and put her hands on her hips. “Okay, first you don’t work all weekend, then you suddenly have a friend. Who are you, and where is my boss?” Then she crossed her arms. “Name. Now.”

I chuckled. “Noah.”

“And Noah is?”

“Not here,” I said mildly, shocked at how much I wished he were. “But my work is.”

She took the hint. “You better spill more later.”

She walked out as Wayne appeared at my door.

“Dani, there was a glitch. Try your numbers again.”

I heaved a small sigh of relief, grateful to Noah for his suggestion. In my tired, panicked state of mind, I hadn’t thought of calling IT.

“Thanks, Wayne.”

“Anything else, let me know.”

“I will.”

I took a sip of coffee, trying not to compare it to the rich brew that Noah made, then got to work. My numbers worked exactly the way they should have all along, and the stress of the possible miscalculations on my part dissolved. The team came to my office, and we worked on the final preparations needed for the presentation on Friday. I was amazingly calm, with no panicked feeling or terrible sense of foreboding I had been experiencing. I was grateful it seemed to have passed. Maybe the little break I had taken on the weekend had helped reset my head. Whatever it was, I was grateful.

Noah texted me a few times. He sent a couple of pictures of his travels in the city.

Noah: When the hell did these buildings go up? This used to be a parking lot—didn’t it?

Noah: I think there are about 1 million more cars on the road than there used to be. Good God, the traffic. Even the sidewalks are congested.

Once he got back to my place, there was one of him in the kitchen surrounded by pans.

Noah: Making dinner. You’ll be here, right?

I responded with a thumbs-up and the word yes.

Not long afterward, another picture appeared, and I almost choked on the water I was sipping. It was him, in my bed, naked except for the sheet draped artistically over his hips.

Noah: Or we could have dessert first. Me. I’m the dessert. ;)

Me: OMG I am at work.

Noah: Sort of my point. Look what’s waiting. Hurry home.

There were no other texts from him, but I left the office earlier than usual, anxious to get home. I texted him when I was on the way to let him know I’d be there soon.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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