Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 25

“Hey, Sprout.”

“Hi. You’re awake early.”

“Habit. By this time, I’m usually in the field picking something or doing some sort of chore.”

“What time are you heading back?” I asked, forcing myself to keep my voice light. It frightened me how much I was going to miss him.

“Well, funny you should ask. I talked with Callie and Gabe, and they’re going to cover today. So unless you have any objection, I’m going to stay one more day with you. I’ll leave early tomorrow and be there when the day usually starts.” He paused. “If you want.”

Relief made me giddy. I smiled widely. “Does this mean you’ll cook me dinner again?”

“I could be persuaded.”

I ran my hand down his torso, wrapping my hand around his already erect cock. “I can be persuasive,” I murmured, stroking along his shaft. “Very persuasive.”

He groaned. “Then you have me for another day.” He rolled on top of me, settling between my legs, his mouth hovering over mine. “And I think we should celebrate.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Big-time.”

Noah came with me to work again. He was quieter today, looking around as if seeing things for the first time. He frowned on the subway, staying close as the car became so packed we were pressed together like sardines. Outside on the street, he took in some long breaths, muttering something that sounded like “not helping.” Even at this early hour, the city was bustling, and I knew it would only get worse as the day went along.

“How about we go out for dinner tonight?” I asked.

“I was going to cook for you.”

I shook my head, squeezing his hand. “I don’t want you to cook again. We can go out and relax.”

He pursed his lips. “Is Dalgetti’s still around?”

“Yes, it is. One of my favorites.”

“Okay. Want me to meet you back here?” he asked as we reached my building.

“You want to come up?” I asked.

He dropped a kiss to my mouth. “I will later. You go be brilliant, and I’ll come back about six?”

“I’ll leave early. What are you going to do?”

“Oh, I have plans. I’ll stay busy and out of trouble.” He grinned. “I’m honored you’re going to leave early,” he teased. “What time? Five forty-five?”

“I feel badly you’re taking the day off and I’m still going to work,” I admitted. “How about four?”

He lifted his eyebrows. “Wow, I’m a bad influence.” He bent and kissed me, his mouth lingering. “I’ll be here at four. Have a good day.”

I watched him walk away, lifting his hand in a jaunty wave before he disappeared around the corner. I stood on the sidewalk for a long time after he was gone. The longing to go with him was strong. To hurry after him and tell him I would spend the day with him instead of the office so tempting. His company was far preferable to what waited for me upstairs. Numbers, questions, and the bottom line.

I headed into the building, already feeling tired.

Chapter Ten


My intercom went off, and I hit the button, my eyes glued to my screen. “Hey, Lynn.”

“You have a visitor.” Her voice became muffled as if she were covering the phone. “A very handsome visitor.”

“I’ll be right out.”

I finished the sentence I was writing and saved the file. I ran my hand over the skirt of my dress and opened my office door. Noah was leaning on the edge of Lynn’s desk, smiling at something she said. He had his arms crossed, his biceps bulging. He wore a dress shirt, the material stretched tight across his shoulders and arms. The light caught his hair, and his engaging smile was wide. His eyes softened as he looked at me, pushing off the desk and crossing to my side.

“Hey, Sprout. Am I interrupting? I can wait,” he murmured, brushing a kiss across my cheek.

I caught Lynn’s eye. She waved her hand in front of her face, rolling her eyes. “Wow,” she mouthed silently, making me grin.

“I can be ready in five. Come in.”

He followed me in, glancing around as I shut down my laptop and got my purse.

“Nice office,” he mused. “Very professional.”

I looked around with a shrug. “It’s fine.”

“It’s not you.”


He waved his hand. “There’s nothing of you here. No pictures, no bric-a-brac, nothing that says ‘Dani,’” he explained. “Lynn has pictures on her desk, a candy dish, even a funny little stuffed thing.”

He was right. I had never thought of it until he mentioned it. I decided to make light of his observation. “Never occurred to me, I suppose. Maybe I’ll add a picture of you. Lynn can stare at it and drool.”

He pursed his lips, ignoring my teasing. “Interesting,” he muttered. “And again, so familiar.”

I didn’t know what he meant by that remark, but he let it drop.

“You ready for dinner? I’m starving.”

He held out his hand, and I took it, tamping down the guilt I felt leaving the office this early. I rarely left before seven.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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