Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 28


“Hey, Sprout.”

I felt the swell of relief simply hearing his voice. I closed my eyes, sat down and exhaled. “Noah.”

“You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“I called last night. It went to voice mail,” he sighed. “You didn’t call back this morning. I was worried.”

“I went to bed early and had the ringer off,” I fibbed. “I was crazy busy getting ready for the meeting today. I didn’t have time.”

“Oh.” The one word clearly stated he didn’t believe me. He waited for me to speak, then when I didn’t, kept talking.

“How did the meeting go?”

“Okay,” I said, omitting the panic and the exhaustion I was still feeling. “A few adjustments needed.”

“Oh.” He paused. “So, what now?”

I laughed, the sound brittle to my own ears. “I work and get them done.”

He was silent for a moment. “You worked every day this week. Every night after I left. Can’t you give yourself a break?”

I rubbed my face. “Maybe. I don’t know.”

“I was hoping to see you tonight…or tomorrow.”

I massaged my temple, a headache slowly brewing behind my eyes.

“Not tonight. I’ve got to tackle this and get it done. He wants it for Monday.”

“Maybe tomorrow, then?” His voice dropped. “I miss you.”

I hesitated. “I don’t know.”

“Dani, are you sure you’re okay? Your voice sounds strange.”

“I’m fine, Noah. I’m busy, that’s all.”

“I’m aware of that fact,” he soothed. “You really have to work all weekend?”

I sighed, pushing down the desire to tell him how much I missed him as well and that I’d work all night so I could come spend the afternoon with him again. I didn’t know if I could make that promise.

“I might have to.”

“So, no apple crisp this weekend. Our customers will be disappointed.”

I was on my feet, irrational anger coursing through my veins. “Really, Noah? That’s why you called? You’re worried about the fact that your restaurant won’t have dessert? Like I don’t have enough on my plate to worry about without feeling I’m letting you down as well?”


I cut him off. “I’m stretched tight here. I can’t drop everything and come and make apple crisp for you!”

“I know that. I was only teasing. Obviously, it was bad timing on my end. I don’t want to cause you any more stress,” he replied in a calm voice. “You’re not letting me down.”

“I feel like it.”

I heard his long sigh. When he spoke, his voice was gentle. “Did you…did you have another attack today, baby?”

“Why?” I snapped. “Because the only reason I’m angry is because I must have? Not because you keep pushing me all the time?”

“I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Dani, I didn’t call you to argue with you.”

“No, you called to see if I’d bake for you.”

“I called to see if you were okay. Obviously, you’re having a bad day, and I’ve only made it worse. I don’t care if you ever make apple crisp for the restaurant again. I care that you’re killing yourself with the stress you’re trying to deal with,” he stated, anger evident in his voice now.

“Well, not all of us can play in the mud. Some of us have no choice but to work for a living.”

“Stop it. We aren’t doing this,” he hissed. “Now all you want is a fight. You want a reason to be mad, and I won’t give it to you.”

“Too late.”

“I’m coming in, and we’re going to talk.”

“Don’t bother.”


I hung up.

Chapter Eleven


I sat at my table, playing with the handle of my mug, my barely touched coffee having gone cold. I stared unseeing out the window, my chest feeling heavy, my body aching. I was tired. So very tired. After hanging up on Noah, I’d channeled all my anger and shut off my feelings, throwing myself into work. When I looked up again, it was past ten and I was the only one left in the office. I shut down my computer, hoping I had done everything Carl had instructed. I would double-check my work and send everything to him on Sunday. He could review it on Monday, and the final proposal would be presented to upper management. It was almost over.

Then I came home to a dark, empty house, riddled with guilt for hanging up on Noah and unsure if I should call him. I considered taking the coward’s way out and texting him an apology, but that seemed wrong. He deserved better.

My head ached, and I rubbed my temples, staring out into the darkness.

I was such a bitch to Noah on the phone. He was right—I was upset and scared, and I took it out on him. I wanted to tell him how much I needed him, beg him to come in and be with me, knowing how his presence helped to keep me calm. I should have told him that I would work this evening and come out in the morning and bake apple crisp because I enjoyed doing it and I wanted to do it for him.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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