Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 55

“Noah,” I whispered. “This is wonderful.”

He held out his hand. “Come in and see the place. It’s nothing fancy, but I love it here. We all do.”

Inside, I looked around. It was fashioned of thick, old logs. Wide planked floors. A stone fireplace was on the end wall. A small kitchen with a table, two sofas, and a couple of bookcases were all the furniture in the place. Open shelving in the kitchen made it open and airy. The short hall had two bedrooms, a mudroom, and thankfully, a bathroom.

“Dad added the plumbing and electricity when we were kids and bigger places were being built, so he was able to join in on the upgrades. We added the screened-in porch a few years later, but other than painting or sealing the wood, nothing much has been done. We come here to relax and unwind. We spend most of our time at the beach, by the fire, or on the porch.” He patted the wall. “With the trees and these logs that are so thick, no matter how hot it gets, it stays pretty cool. We have a couple window air conditioners for extreme heat, but they rarely get used. The fans move the air really well.” He pointed to the vaulted ceiling.

“I love it.”

He wrapped his arms around me. “Just us, Dani. We can swim, sleep, sit by the fire, and just be us.” He kissed my neck. “It’s sort of a gift for both of us.”

I laughed. “I’m more than good with that.”

He grinned. “I’ll get the stuff, and we can unpack, take a little walk, then head into town and grab whatever else we want. Then we’re coming back, and the celebrations will begin.”


“Oh yeah,” he murmured, leaning close, his lips barely touching mine. “I have even more to celebrate now. It’s going to be epic, Dani. A wild, screaming orgy of celebration. One right after the other.”

I was pretty sure I whimpered.

He winked as he headed out to the car.

I had to clutch the edge of the counter and shake my head.

I wondered how he would feel if I preferred to start the celebrations right away?

The thought made me giggle.

Then I pulled my shirt over my head and left it on the floor. If he wanted to come find me, I’d leave him a trail.

I headed down the hall to the bedroom, dropping my shorts and tank top along the way.

He was a smart boy. He’d figure it out.

Later in the evening, Noah built a fire, and we sat watching the sun set over the water. The colors were beautiful as the sun disappeared, the night sky darkening and filling with stars. They were brilliant and easy to see, like at the farm. I felt like a small speck in the universe, staring up at the vastness. Noah nudged my foot gently.

“What are you thinking about, Sprout?”

I tilted my head, studying him. In the firelight, his wild hair was a mixture of gold and red, his green eyes bright in his face. He looked relaxed and happy, reflecting the way I felt. We’d made love twice, walked the beach, sat in the screened-in porch, and ate fresh corn he’d brought, dripping in butter and delicious. Then he produced cupcakes he’d bought in town, little candles on the top, and sang me happy birthday. It had been a wonderful day.

“Just that I’ve never felt happier in my life.”

He grinned—his wild, wickedly sinful grin that always made me clench in the best of ways. “Yeah?” he asked. “Good day?”

I leaned into him. “The best.”

“I got one more thing to add to your day.” He slid a long, narrow box into my hand. “Happy birthday, Dani.”

I turned the box over in my hands, admiring the pretty bow.

“What is it?” he asked, his voice tender.

“I haven’t been given a birthday gift since my aunt died. And she always put twenty dollars in an envelope.” I stroked the shiny paper. “I’m just enjoying the moment.”

He leaned close and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Those days are over, Sprout. I promise you.”

I looked at him. “That’s the best gift of them all.”

“Open it,” he urged.

I carefully undid the wrapping, playfully tucking the bow behind my ear. I gasped as I lifted the lid. Inside was a beautiful bracelet. The links were set with tiny diamonds that caught the firelight and glowed. The middle was an infinity symbol—half smooth, half set with more diamonds. It was delicate, breathtaking, and perfect.

“It’s how I feel about you,” he murmured. “No beginning and no end. It’s simply there.”

Tears gathered and slid down my cheeks.

“No, Sprout. No tears.”

“This is the second most beautiful gift I’ve ever been given,” I whispered.

He leaned over and wiped the tears. “And the first?” he asked with a smile, already knowing my answer.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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