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Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection

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I covered his hand with mine.


Daniel and Avery arrived the next day, around noon. I was nervous at first, but quickly warmed to them. Daniel was tall with dark hair, incredibly vivid blue eyes, and dressed in dark jeans and a T-shirt that stretched over his broad shoulders, showing off a large tattoo on his bicep. Avery was his exact opposite. Small, pale-skinned, with hair so blond it was almost white, and soft green eyes, she looked like a gypsy with her flowing skirt and ruffled blouse. But her smile was wide and friendly, and I liked both of them. He towered over her, and she nestled into his side as if she were made to fit there. He watched her with adoration in his eyes, and they stayed close whenever they were in the same room. His nickname for her was “Sprite,” which made me smile. It suited her, and she laughed in delight when she heard Noah call me Sprout.

We took a walk along the trail, then on the beach. Avery picked up a few rocks, which Daniel good-naturedly carried to the car. “She puts them in the garden,” he explained. “She loves rocks and shells.”

He smiled at me. “You’re good for him,” he said, indicating Noah, who was helping Avery dig out a rock.


“We knew each other in university. We got along well. He was always focused and driven, but once he started working, he became a stranger. I’d meet up with him, but he was so consumed with the corporate world, he’d be on his phone or texting. It was as if I wasn’t there. I’d call him, and he would be too busy to talk or call me back.” He scratched his head. “I kinda gave up.”

“He knows he missed a lot.”

“When he collapsed and reached out, I was horrified to know what he went through but grateful he was seeing the light. But he’s always been missing something—that final piece to the puzzle. I think he was missing you. I’ve never seen him so happy.”

“He makes me happy too.”

“You two were meant to be together, just like Avery and I were.” He patted my arm. “I hope we get to see more of you.”

I nodded. I liked them both. “Me too.”

We ate a late lunch by the water, filling up on sandwiches and sides Noah had brought from the store and restaurant. Avery brought homemade cookies, which were devoured quickly by us all. Afterward, we sat in the sun, enjoying the early autumn warmth. Noah stretched in his chair, his arms held aloft. “I’m thinking of a swim.”

Daniel frowned. “Might be a bit cold.”

I shivered at just the thought. Avery didn’t look overly impressed either.

Noah smirked. “Chicken, my friend?” He waggled his eyebrows. “Bawk, bawk,” he teased.

Daniel narrowed his eyes. “Is that a challenge?”

Noah smirked. “Seems to me, the last time I challenged you, I won.”

Daniel barked a laugh. “Those were university days. You’ve gone soft since then.”

“You wanna bet on that?”

Daniel stood, yanking off his shirt. “You’re on.”

I blinked at his tight torso, the muscles rippling in his arms. Noah joined him, tugging his shirt over his head. I blinked again. Noah bare-chested was a sight to behold.

They both dropped their jeans, neither of them embarrassed or worried. I met Avery’s wide eyes.

Their shoes followed.

“Last one in buys dinner.”

“Last one out buys drinks!”

And they were off, running, pushing at each other like children and finally diving into the water, their bodies breaking the surface at almost the same time.

Avery and I began to laugh as their heads appeared and they both howled from the cold.

“Serves them right,” Avery muttered.

“But what a show.” I chuckled.

“Amen to that,” she said, and we clinked coffee cups.

The boys swam around, insisting once you were used to it, the water wasn’t bad. Avery and I stayed where we were, enjoying the sun. They floated around, catching up for a while, then waded out, agreeing to call the bet a draw. I handed them towels, and they wrapped themselves up, sitting down to dry off in the sun. Daniel linked his fingers with Avery’s, seemingly unable not to touch her when they were close.

“How did you two meet?” I asked Avery.

She grinned. “My friend was overseeing filming a social experiment project. You had to kiss a stranger for thirty seconds. One of her volunteers canceled, and she begged me to take her place.”

“Thank God she did,” Daniel mused. “I might be sitting here with a clown.”

Avery poked him, and he laughed. “Teasing, Sprite.” He winked at me. “My girl hates clowns.”

“I don’t blame her. Scary little fuckers,” I added at the same time Avery said it.

We laughed and high-fived.

“So, you kissed Daniel…?” I trailed off.

“It was pretty intense. As soon as we kissed, it was like an inferno.” She shook her head. “I was so nervous before, I almost backed out.”

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