Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 63

“So it would seem.”

“Do you need something? Pain meds? Are you hungry? Mom left you food.”

“I’m thirsty.”

“Gabe brought you some of his iced tea. Or there’s water.”

“Iced tea, please.”

I was already pretty good at doing things one-handed, and I gave Dani a small cup of the beverage, smiling as she sipped it with a sigh of pleasure.

“You don’t need some pills?”

“No, I’m good.”

“You’ll tell me as soon as you do?”

She smiled at my fussing, nodding and smiling indulgently at me.

“I can hardly wait to go home.” She wrinkled her nose. “I hate the smell of hospitals.”

“I can’t believe they’ll let you leave so fast.”

“Everything went fine, Noah. I can rest better there.”

“Not fine,” I corrected gently. “You’ll be sore for a while.”

“But I’ll recover better at home.”

“You’ll have lots of help,” I admitted.

My mom, Ella, and Callie were so excited, it was crazy. Dad, John, and Gabe had to drag them out of the hospital last night, and they were already discussing schedules and who would do what and when, acting as if I wouldn’t even be around. I had no plans on being anywhere but with my girls until Dani ordered me away, and even then, I’d only move to the next room, preferably with Lily in my arms. For the first time in many years, I didn’t care if crops got harvested or if Mrs. Johnson got her cucumbers for her special pickles.

All that mattered were the two most important women in my life.

“You should go home and sleep.”

“I’m not leaving.” I scoffed at the ridiculous notion.

“Then give her to me and sleep for a while.”

I had a better idea. I reluctantly released Lily into Dani’s waiting arms, kicked off my shoes, and slipped in beside her, tucking her against my chest, letting her shift until she was comfortable, then draped my arm around her, gently caressing her head. The bed was narrow, but Dani was so tiny and I tucked her tight, and we fit well enough. I kissed Dani’s soft hair and smiled at my girls. I stroked Lily’s clenched fist, grinning when she latched on, closing her tiny fingers around mine. Dani’s body relaxed as it did every time I was close to her, and soon, she was asleep again. Lily grunted and cooed, content on Dani’s chest.

Relaxed and happy, I shut my eyes. I’d nap for a while, help Dani with Lily’s next feeding, and a few hours after that, I could take them home.

My wife, my daughter—my family.

My perfect harvest.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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