Dirty Little Secret - Page 26

Fuck it. I’m going to text her.

She doesn’t get to extend an olive branch only to snap it like a fucking twig.

But before I can type out a message, my phone rings and it’s her name flashing across my screen.

I glance toward Orion—he’s ordering now—and swipe my thumb across the screen. “Stella.”

“Samson. I-I need you.” The tremble in her voice sets my teeth on edge.

“What’s wrong?”

She sniffles.

“Where are you?”

“A party. Please help me.”

Fuck. “Text me the address. I’ll be right there.” Mad at her or not, I’ve never been able to tell her no, and I’m not about to start when she’s in trouble.

I shove back from the table right as Orion approaches.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, placing the pitcher of beer down on the table.

“Man…” I scrub a hand over my face. “I’ve gotta go.”

“What the hell? We just got here.”

“I know. I’ll make it up to you.”

Orion curses me under his breath, but I’m already halfway to the door.

I check my phone as I run to my truck, narrowly avoiding busting my ass, and plug the address into my GPS.

The ten-minute drive seems more like an hour. There’s nowhere to park, so I hit my flashers and leave my truck idling at the curb. Stella needs me and there’s no way in hell I’m going to waste time looking for somewhere to park.

I cut a path through the front yard, shoulder checking anyone in my way. The kid manning the door calls after me, but I silence him with a lethal glare.

Like heat-seeking missiles, my eyes find their target immediately. Stella’s crouched on the floor with a brown-haired girl. She’s got the girl’s head in her lap and is gently running her fingers through her hair.

Her lips are moving, but I can’t make out what she’s saying until I’m directly in front of her.

“It’s okay, Emmy. I’ve got you. Just breathe.”

“Luna!” I bark her name and her eyes snap to mine.

“Thank God you’re here. Help me get her home p-please?”

I’m as relieved as I am annoyed. While I’m happy Stella is safe and well, I’m still pissed that she pretty much ghosted me for a week straight.

Pot, kettle—I know.

“What’s wrong with her?” I tip my head toward her friend. She looks almost catatonic.

“I don’t know, Samson!” Stella snaps. “Just help me!”

I bite my tongue to keep from snapping back. It’s clear she’s had a drink or two and now’s not the time for us to hash this out.

I lift her semi-unconscious friend into my arms and nod for Stella to follow me. “The hell were you doing at a party anyway, Luna?”

The girl groans as I carry her out to my truck.

“Why do you even care?” Her tone is vicious, which is a whole load of shit, because this time she’s the one who left me hanging. “You gonna tattle on me?”

I roll my eyes and gesture for her to open the back passenger door. “You’re acting like a brat.”

“What can I say?” Stella crosses her arms over her chest. “You bring out the worst in me.”

I laugh, because that’s a damn lie and we both know it. We’re fucking meant for each other. “Get in the truck, Stella.”

She’s silent the entire drive back to her dorm, which is fine by me. I don’t think either of us has anything nice to say right about now.

My emotions are riding high and she’s been drinking, so if she wants to act like a spoiled little snot and throw a fit, fine—I’ll let her. For now.

I swing my truck into a parking spot and before I can even get it into park, Stella’s on me. “Are you going to help me get her inside or not?”

I grit my teeth to keep from snapping at her. My Luna’s normally sweet as sugar, and I don’t like this salty as hell side of her. “As long as you keep up your end of the bargain,” I say, with a smile that’s all teeth. “I’ll help.”

Stella snarls at me and flings her door open. “You may not think much of me, Samson Carter, but I’m not a liar.”

She’s trying to pick a fight at this point, but then again maybe I am too. There’s no one else on this earth that can fire me up quite like my best friend’s little sister.

“You don’t have the first clue what I think of you.” The question is, have I not made it clear or is she being willfully ignorant?

We both slam our doors shut and I round the truck, meeting Stella on the passenger side. I yank the door open and reach for the girl, who lets out a scream worthy of a banshee.

“Stop!” She kicks at me, clipping me on the chin. “Get away from me!”

“Holy shit, Luna!” I shout, backing away from the truck and rubbing at my sore jaw. “Get your damn friend before she kicks out my teeth!”

Tags: L.K. Farlow Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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