Dirty Little Secret - Page 71

“I’m her husband,” Sterling says, his words shocking me mute. He doesn’t mean that literally… right?

The doctor nods. “Come with me please.”

I watch helplessly as the two of them retreat back through the double doors, my heart in my throat as I ask, “Husband?”

Gabe rolls his eyes. “I had the same reaction, but apparently when he told the paramedics he was her boyfriend, they shut him out.”

“Okay.” That explains that, but I still have so many questions. “What happened?”

Gabe and Zach wear matching looks of discomfort.

“Someone better tell me.”

“There was… a video,” Gabe hedges.

“A video? What kind of video?”

Gabe mutters a string of curses under his breath, his fists clenching in his lap.

“Shh,” Zach murmurs to his boyfriend before turning to us. “It was a… private video of Emmy and Sterling, taken without their knowledge or consent.”

All I can do is blink, because what?

“Like a sex tape?” Samson asks, giving voice to the question bouncing around in my skull.

Both men nod, and my blood turns to hot lava in my veins. “Who?” I ask. “Who did it?”

“Sterling didn’t say. But he swears it wasn’t him.”

Zach gives Gabe a bland look. “It wasn’t and you know it.”

“I don’t know anyone else that would—”

“Her stepbrother!” I blurt, my voice far too loud for the space.

“Oh, shit,” Gabe mutters. “You’re right. It has to be.”

“Sick fuck.” Zach crosses his arms over his chest with murder in his eyes. “I’d like to meet his ass in the back alley.”

“Calm down, killer,” Gabe groans as he palms Zach’s thigh. “And get in line.”

“She’s gonna be okay, right?” I ask, my voice thick as I try to hold back my tears.

Gabe reaches over Zach and takes my hand in his. “She damn well better be.”

Chapter Thirty-Six


“How is my sunshine?” Gabe asks. If he was anyone else, the nickname would piss me off.

“Stella’s good. Still sleeping.” She was so exhausted that she fell asleep on the ride home from the hospital and has been out cold ever since.

“Any word on Emmy?” I’m really hoping for good news to give to Stella once she wakes.

“Yeah, Sterling sent out a group text, but I guess he wasn’t with us when we exchanged numbers.”

“And?” My patience is wearing thin after staying up half the night worried about Stella—and her roommate.

“She’s fine. Physically. They’re going to do a seventy-two-hour hold.”

“Is that all he said?”


“What else?” I growl, in no mood for games.

“So testy, caveman.”

“I swear to God, Gabe.”

“Chill. It was a shit night. I gotta get my kicks where I can.”

“Whatever.” I reposition the phone and peek in on Stella. She’s still sleeping soundly. “What else did he say?”

“He said one of the RAs from the building cleaned up their dorm, but that he has mixed feelings about Emmy returning. Things with them are pretty fucked up right now.”

“Yeah, I’m with him there. If I could keep Stella here indefinitely, I would.”

Gabe snorts a laugh. “Those girls are stubborn.”

“Truth.” I sigh, massaging my temples. “Keep me posted, yeah?”

“Will do.”

I end the call and head into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and to see about breakfast. Unfortunately, my fridge is pretty bare, so bacon, eggs, and toast it is.

Once everything is cooked, I plate up the food and pour two mugs of coffee. I don’t have a fancy tray to carry it on, so I have to make two trips.

And Stella, God love her, sleeps through it all.

I almost feel bad waking her up—almost. At this point, my worry is outweighing her need to rest, as selfish as that may be.

“Luna.” I gently shake her shoulder. “Wake up.”

“Don’t wanna,” she murmurs, rolling away from me.

“I’ve got coffee.” I lean down and brush her hair away from her face before pressing a soft kiss to her temple. “And bacon.”

“Is it crispy?”

I grin. “Damn near burned.” The little weirdo likes bacon well-well done.

“Fine.” She stretches her arms over her head. “I’ll get up.”

“You’re so fucking cute.”

She pouts, only upping her cuteness.

“Puppies are cute. Babies are cute.”

“Your point?”

“Grown women don’t want to be called cute.”

“Fine.” I nudge her with my hip and slide into the bed next to her. “You’re gorgeous.”

“Whatever.” Her smile, while small, tells me she’s not really mad. “You promised bacon and coffee.”

“Gabe texted me,” I say, passing her one of the mugs of coffee.

“Really? What did he say?” She takes a big sip and then places it on the nightstand on her side of the bed, trading it for her phone. “Oh, it’s dead.”

“Let me see it.” She passes me her phone and I plug my charger into it before passing her a plate of food. “Eat up.”

“But what did Gabe say?”

“Emmy’s fine, but the hospital is going to keep her for three days.”

“What?” Stella’s lip trembles. “I thought… I thought it was all a bad dream.”


Tears roll down her cheeks. “Em-Emmy… she… really tried to kill herself?”

Tags: L.K. Farlow Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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