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Craving Kara (The Aces' Sons 7)

Page 97

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“His name is Randy?” Tommy said, laughing. “Parents musta hated him.”

“That work?” Gramps asked me. “If he’s still a problem, he won’t have a badge to hide behind.”

“Works for now,” I said slowly.

“Doubt he’ll do shit once he stops wearin’ a badge,” Grandpa Dragon said easily.

“No payback, though,” Will said with a grimace.

“I’ve seen the guy,” Curtis said quietly. “Doubt he’s got much except the uniform. He’ll feel it.”

“Alright, now we’ve got that covered—”

A tentative knock made Grandpa Dragon pause.

My great gramps opened the door. “What do ya need, lass?”

“My husband,” Callie said, her voice apologetic.

“What’s up, Sugar?” Grease said, rounding the table.

“Some guy from Montana,” she said in confusion. “How’d he get my number, Asa?”

“I’ll take care of it,” he said, kissing her as he took her phone from her hand.

Great Gramps closed the door again as Grease lifted the phone to his ear.

“Yeah?” He paused, listening. “You got it,” he said before hanging up. He opened the door again and set the phone on the bar before coming back in.

I watched as Grease met Grandpa’s eyes, then looked at each of his sons.

“Horsemen are callin’ in their marker.”

The whole room went electric and I had zero idea what the fuck was happening.

“It’s been almost twenty-five years,” Will said quietly.

“And we’ll give ’em whatever they need,” Great Gramps said, his voice low.

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