Bound to Billionaires (Doms of Destiny, Colorado 2) - Page 56

He smiled. “She insisted. There’s times when we work through the night. She brings us meals. Besides, would you tell her ‘no’ about anything?”

Megan smiled. “Whatever Gretchen wants, Gretchen gets.”

“Now you’re talking. Until we figure out who is behind the cyber attacks and also used your IP at your home, you will be with either me or Scott at all times when we are at TBK. If we have to go, like I do now to conduct the videoconference, you will stay in here. Understand?”

“Then I don’t need to scan my eye. I’m either with you or I’m already in here. See what I mean?”

“Why are you nervous about this?” he asked.

“It’s my eyes.” She then confessed, “My mother went blind six months before she died from complications to her chemo. I’m a little jittery when it comes to my eyes. Thank God, I have twenty-twenty vision. I could never wear contacts.”

Eric placed his hand over hers. “Indulge me this, Megan. It’s only a picture.”

“Okay. I think you’re being overprotective, but I’ll go through with it if it makes you happy.”

“It does.”

“What do you think will happen? A bunch of bandits will charge in here and you and Scott will take them on while I run into this safe place?”

He cupped her chin. “Less than a week ago, Destiny had a shootout with the Russian mafia just a block from here. People were killed. I’m a guy who likes to be prepared. You matter to me very much, Megan Lunceford. Do this for me.”

“Okay.” She leaned down and felt his fingers stroking her hair, working to soothe her fears some.

In less than ten seconds, he was done. “I’ve got all I need, little one. You’re all set.”

“That’s it?”

“Yep. You’ll learn to trust me.”

“I do trust you, Eric.” Her heart thudded in her chest.

“Eric, I’ve got the sheriff on the line. He wants to know if you have time to take a call?” Erica’s voice came from some hidden speakers near the desk.

He clicked on one of the button images on his desktop. “I’ll be there in sixty seconds.”

He stood up and pulled her into his muscled frame. “You better get started on the paintball project. Use my desk. I’ll be back in about an hour.” And then he kissed her, making her toes curl and her belly flip-flop.

And then he was gone.

The doors closed and she heard the lock engage. She pulled out her new laptop and placed it on Eric’s desk.

As Megan turned it on and it started to boot up, she felt a smile spread across her face.

* * * *

The rental car left the highway for the road to Destiny, Colorado, a place not unfamiliar to its driver, but this trip was for an entirely different reason than all the rest. Megan the bitch was there. She’s fucked up my life for the last time. How she’d won over the Knight brothers so easily was a mystery.

Time to get back the modem that had been planted at her house. Not difficult now with access to the top floor of TBK’s building in the tiny town.

The gun in the passenger seat would solve everything. Soon it would be over. Really over.

Chapter Fourteen

Megan finished typing in the security assignments for Destiny’s Annual Paintball Extravaganza. Charlie Blake, Jason’s deputy, was going to be in charge of most of it. Everyone in town was sad about him tendering his resignation to Jason but most understood why. Charlie’s ex had moved to California with his kids. He couldn’t bear being so far from them, so he was moving there at the end of the summer.

Megan was falling in love with Destiny and its citizens with each passing day. They were quirky in so many ways but they had the biggest hearts she’d ever known.

This was her second day at TBK and Megan was getting into the swing of things. Eric and Scott had brought a desk for her into TBK’s Presidential Fortress of Solace, which she had learned was the term used by the employees, including their executive secretary Erica, who wasn’t afraid to say it to the copresidents’ faces.

Tags: Chloe Lang Doms of Destiny, Colorado Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025