(Cut to a one shot of Selene. Her body begins to tremble as she starts growing taller, sprouting feathers, and her fingers morph into sharp talons. Suddenly a gunshot is heard and a lamp behind her shatters. Cut to a close up of Wilt holding the gun he stole from Burt and visibly shaking with anger. Then cut to a full shot of the room as Selene shrinks back down to her normal form.)
Whoa dude! Just calm down.
Now. We are going to take Duke home, you are going to stay right here, and we are all going to get along like CIVILIZED HUMAN BEINGS! Got it?
If the alternative is getting shot in the head then I’ll do whatever you say.
(Wilt continues to shake until Lana comes to calm him down. Selene backs away giving them access to Duke who is still on the bed.)
Ok Wilt. We did it. We saved Duke. You can give me the gun now.
(Wilt lets Lana take the gun out of his hands. He manages to calm down a bit and helps Duke off of the bed. Duke is still a little dazed but is uncharacteristically grateful to receive Wilt’s help.)
Thank you.
(Selene crosses her arms in frustration as Wilt lets Duke lean on his shoulder and they exit the room. The scene fades out as Lana follows.)
(Scene opens with a tracking shot of Duke walking down an alleyway while unwrapping and eating a granola bar.)
I don’t know what I was thinking, letting her manipulate me like that.
(Cut to a one shot of Duke. He throws his wrapper behind him. Then he stops as he sees something.)
(Cut to a medium shot of Duke and Sonya. Sonya is wearing a trench coat with nothing underneath it.)
You leave without saying goodbye? You owe me at least one more night Butchmann.
But you’re husband-
Is in jail with a broken leg.
(Cut to shot of Sonya from behind. She opens her trench coat and flashes Duke.)