Sold to the Enemy - Page 45

Eyes wary, he watched her. ‘You’re bleeding.’

‘Good. I hope it stains your deck.’

‘Theé mou, you are the most stubborn woman I have ever met. Will you at least let me change the dressing on your head before we continue this conversation?’

‘No. And this conversation is over.’ She fixed her gaze somewhere past his broad shoulders so that she wasn’t distracted by those killer good looks which could lull a woman into thinking he was a good person. ‘All I want from you is to stop at the nearest port. Then you can get back to trampling the innocent as you build your empire. You and my father are each as bad as the other.’

‘I’m not dropping you anywhere. Your father is being arrested as we speak. He’ll be charged but we can’t be sure he won’t be released. As you rightly say, he has powerful friends. You’re staying with me and that’s non-negotiable. Now, sit down before you fall down.’

Yesterday she would have taken his words to mean he wanted her with him but she knew better now.

‘If you’re planning on keeping me for leverage against my father I can assure you he won’t care what you do.’

‘That is not what I was thinking.’

‘Of course it wasn’t. You’d never use a person like that, would you, Stefan?’


‘Just so that we’re clear about who we’re dealing with, he isn’t going to care if you throw my dead body over the side of your boat even if you’ve packaged me in red sequins and a bow.’ She was horrified to discover a lump in her throat. ‘My father doesn’t love me and never has.’

What was it about her that was so unlovable?

Knowing that this wasn’t the time to dwell on that, she blinked and cleared her vision. But it was too late because he’d seen and instead of backing away, which was what she would have preferred, he moved closer.

His hands were gentle on her face, tilting it as he urged her to look at him. ‘If that is the truth then you are better off building your life without him. I will help you do that.’ The softness in his voice almost finished her.

‘No, thanks. I’ve already experienced your idea of “help”. From now on I help myself. I don’t want anything to do with either of you.’

‘You’re not thinking the situation through. You have nowhere to go.’

The fact that it was true did nothing to improve her mood. Panic squeezed her insides. ‘I wouldn’t stay on this boat with you if it were the only piece of dry land in the Mediterranean. I’d rather be eaten by sharks.’

‘That’s extremely unlikely in these waters.’

‘Are you mocking me?’

Her voice rose and he went unnaturally still.

‘No. I’m merely trying to stop you making a rash, emotional decision that will harm no one but yourself.’

‘So now you’re saying I’m rash and over-emotional?’

‘Cristos, stop twisting everything I say! If you had told me the truth I would have ensured your safety. And that is enough of the past. You need to think about the future. I’m willing to offer you and your mother a home—on a temporary basis, of course,’ he added swiftly, ‘until you can find somewhere suitable.’

Selene heard that hastily added qualifier and burst out laughing. ‘I’m almost tempted to say yes. It would serve you right to find yourself living with a woman and her mother. That would really cramp your style. Relax, Stefan. I can’t think of anything worse than living under the same roof as you.’

His jaw was clenched. ‘It’s probably wise to stop talking while you’re this upset because you’re going to say things you don’t mean.’

‘I mean every word.’

‘I’m trying to help you.’

‘You’re the one who taught me to be cautious.’ Her gaze lifted to his shoulders, travelled over the bronzed skin at the base of his throat and finally met those dark eyes that could seduce a woman with a single glance. ‘I don’t want your help. I never want to see you again.’

* * *

Below deck in the owner’s suite, Stefan poured himself a large drink, but when he lifted it to his mouth his hand was shaking so badly the liquid sloshed over the side.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024