Deep 6 (Multiple Love) - Page 7

"No," I say. "All the best people remain true to themselves." It's a dig for sure, and I regret it as soon as the words leave my lips. "Let's fix a plate."

"Sure." I wait for Tyler to set off toward the buffet first and follow him, chastising myself with every step. I don't want to stoop low. I need to maintain the high ground because that's where I've always stood in this situation.

Tyler hands me a plate before taking his own, and we heap on salads and cold meats, delicious cheeses, and soft bread. Everything looks and smells awesome. There are tables around the edge of the hall, and we make our way to a vacant one. Tyler passes me silverware and waits until I'm ready to eat before starting himself. In all of the sadness, I'd forgotten what a gentleman he is. His size and strength, masculinity, and gruffness are what you see first, but beneath the exterior is a whole world.

"What are you doing these days?" he asks me, eyes flicking up to mine as though he's scared about what to say.

"I'm a literature teacher," I say. "For a local high school."

"Wow…that's great."

"It is." I nod, chewing a mouthful of the most delicious savory pastry slice. "The kids are so awesome, and my colleagues are supportive. I'm lucky to have found such a fantastic school." I don't tell him that the principal has managed to fire me on a technicality in my contract after he tried to grope me in the teachers lounge, and I pushed him away. That is something I'm going to keep to myself, along with the depressing fact that I'm going to have to move out of my apartment and back into my sister Suzanne's basement. At least I'll get to spend more quality time with Sophie. It's absolutely the only good thing about the situation.

"So you have some vacation time right now?"

"Yeah. It's one of the perks. And you…you're working at Deep Repairs?"

"I'm a partner with the other guys you met. There are six of us."

"Six! And that's your house?"

"We all live there," Tyler says. "Workmates and roommates"

"Don't you get sick of each other?"

Tyler shakes his head. "Never. They're like my brothers."

I smile at the certainty in his voice. I always thought that guy friendships are so much less complicated than girl friendships. "And what about your family. How's Luna? How's Jake?"

The change in Tyler's face makes my whole body run cold. His mouth drops open, and his eyes widen, his fists clutching the silverware like they're weapons he's ready to use at any moment. The silence stretches between us, slick and sour before someone in the crowd begins to clink a glass.

"SPEECH!" A man who has definitely had too much to drink struggles to climb onto a chair, trying to get a view over the crowd. "Kane, Karter, Holden, Harris, get your butts over here." The room erupts into cheers, and I'm drawn to look at the crowd, where I start to see movement. Whatever I said that just spooked Tyler is better left alone for both our sakes.

Connie's husbands begin to make their way across the room, smiling and embarrassed. The man who yelled has procured a microphone from the DJ and is waving it around like it's a weapon. Kane is the first to reach him and he quickly takes the mic as though he's worried the guy is going to injure someone.

Kane waits until his brothers surround him, then he brings the mic to his lips. "Connie, where are you, baby?"

He scans the crowd as Karter adjusts little Brett on his hip, little Brett, who really has grown so much. "I'm here," Connie shouts, waving as she makes her way into the center of the crowd. Holden pulls her into a hug, and Harris joins her on the other side. She grins broadly, looking around at all of her towering, gorgeous husbands.

"There she is," Kane says softly. "We haven't prepared anything. This is supposed to be a relaxed event, but I guess some traditions stick no matter how much you try to be different."

There's a rumble of laughter in the crowd, which Kane waits to subside. "What we want to say is that we couldn't be happier that this day is finally here. We wanted to marry Connie a long time ago, but she's been making us wait."

"Playing hard to get," Harris shouts, and the crowd laughs.

"But then we went to Carmella and Derek's wedding, and something clicked," Kane continues.

I turn, searching for Carmella in the crowd, finding her beaming happily. Derek throws his arm over her shoulder, and he pulls her close. They're the picture of a happy couple that should only inspire good thoughts but instead sends a shiver of jealousy through me that I hate. She's my best friend and I'm so happy that she's found her one, but I'm not less deserving than her, am I?

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024