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The Naked Fisherman (Fisherman 1)

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I barked a laugh and shook my head, glancing back at him. He grinned and gave me a quick wink, making me want to turn around and throw my arms around him. I wanted to pretend it was just us at the concert, and we were going out with Arnie and some other woman Arnie had invited along with my friends.

That wasn’t the reality.

He let go of my belt loop, and we squeezed through the opening between two security guards, where Arnie and the rest of our group waited for us.

“You were amazing. I can’t believe Fisher hasn’t been bragging about you.” From the corner of my eye, I could see Fisher frown as I gushed to Arnie.

I could also see Angie’s arm slide around Fisher’s waist the way Teagan had once laid claim to him. Would it ever be me doing that? I wondered.

“Thanks, gorgeous.” Arnie took my hand and pulled me toward an exit. “Let’s grab some food. I’m starving.” He seemed high. It had to be a real adrenaline rush playing to a roomful of screaming fans.

“Don’t you need your shirt?”

“Nah. That’s for you. I have another one in my vehicle.”

Making a quick glance backward, I made sure everyone else was following us. Yep. The two couples arm-in-arm. Three happy faces and a grumpy naked fisherman.

I rode with Arnie in his Escalade with the others behind us. He didn’t make me the least bit uncomfortable, which surprised me. We talked about his band and where he’d played, along with his future gigs across the U.S. opening for some bigger bands.

We ended up at a fancy European restaurant, and I felt so underdressed. I would not have, had I left on my nipples top. Even Arnie slipped on a nicer button-down over his white tee.

“Have you been here?” he asked, again taking my hand and leading me toward the entrance as everyone else pulled into parking spaces.

“I have not.”

“You’ll love it. The food is phenomenal. And the atmosphere is even better. Big crystal chandeliers. Checkered floors. It’s a little dark.” He gave my hand a squeeze. “And a little sexy.”

“Sounds … cool,” I squeaked the words because my level of comfort started to decline. Even if I wasn’t with the guy I wanted to be with, I was glad that Arnie and I weren’t alone.

“I don’t know if we can afford this,” Christina joked as we gathered just inside the door. But I didn’t think it was entirely a lie.

“I know the owner. And it’s on me. No worries.” Arnie puffed out his chest and grinned.

I didn’t have to look at Fisher to know his eyes were rolling around in his head at his brother’s need to flaunt.

As soon as we were seated, Christina stood. “Ladies’ room?” She eyed me.

I nodded.

Out of courtesy, we gave Angie a quick questioning glance, but she didn’t even look our way. She was too busy drooling over my guy!

As soon as we slipped into the posh ladies’ room, Christina grabbed my shoulders. “Oh my god. Arnie is so into you. Seriously, what if he makes it really big? You could tour with him. Live the life of a rock star’s girlfriend.”

“I don’t see us being that serious.” I laughed it off.

“Well, everyone sees the way he’s looking at you, so there’s no doubt about what he wants to do with you.” She turned and fixed her hair in the frame-lit mirror.

I didn’t say anything, but I must have had a slight grimace on my face because she glanced up at my reflection and narrowed her eyes. “I know you went to that church school, but … you’ve had sex, right?”

“Well …” I rubbed my lips together, thinking of the right answer.

“Oh my god. Well is not a yes. It’s a no.” She whipped around. “Reese! You’re a virgin?”

If I didn’t have a true grimace before, I definitely did after she yelled that. I surveyed the room, praying we were the only ones in there, and it appeared that we were.

“I’m waiting until I’m married. It’s no big deal.”

“No. If it were no big deal, you’d be all over that rock star out there. I have a boyfriend, but Arnie makes me want to not have one … for just one night.”

“When…” I bit the end of my thumbnail “…when did you have sex for the first time?”

“A week before my seventeenth birthday. Tate Hoover. Remember him?”

“You had sex with Tate Hoover? The kid who rarely talked and played trombone?”

“Yes.” She shrugged. “He was nice. And had strong lips from all the trombone playing. Also, his rhythm was perfection.”

I covered my mouth and snorted. “Oh my gosh.”

Christina smirked. “So … you haven’t had sex. What have you done? I know you’ve kissed a guy. Maybe two, yeah?”

I nodded slowly. “And uh … recently I had a date, a couple of dates with someone. Not Arnie. And we did some stuff.”

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