Take the Heat - Page 31

Courtney sat down by his head and stroked his shaggy black hair. He peered up at her with those cool blue eyes of his. But they weren’t so cool now, were they? The emotion emanating from his gaze melted her resolve.

He was aroused, but she could see he was a bit frightened, too…of what she might do to him. Now that he wasn’t robbing her, scaring the shit out of her, she held the reins. But…this wasn’t right.

It didn’t feel right, not anymore.

She didn’t want to feel weird about this whole thing. Yeah, he was a fuckup, but if he deserved anything, it was to go to jail for trying to rob her store, not to get ass-fucked by a sex toy instead.

Fuck. Why did her conscience have to come into play right now, right when she thought she had it all figured out?

“I’m sorry, Shane. I was…it was wrong of me to put you in this situation.”

She unlatched his cuffs, and he rolled over, naked, onto the bed—wincing slightly as his freshly-whipped ass made contact with the sheets.

“Wait—what’s going on?”

“I’m feeling a little weird and rapey right now,” she said, shrugging as if it didn’t matter. But it did. “So just leave, okay? I’m letting you go.”

She expected the next words out of his mouth to be another request that she not call the cops, but he said nothing. Just stared at her.

“Lemme see that,” he said, taking the toy from her hand. “What’s it feel like?”

“Um…well, it’s gotten great reviews on other sites,” she said. “Supposed to give you an amazing orgasm in seconds.”

He smiled at her. “You know, I could use that three hundred bucks. Let’s give this a shot.”

Courtney laughed, shaking her head. “I was taking advantage of you because you held me up. You’re worth more than three hundred bucks for a shoot like this, you know? But I don’t have any more to give, because the money for my calendar is already gone. Spent. I’m in the hole right now, and just struggling to get out of it.”

“Kinda like me,” he said.

“Yeah. Kinda like you.” She sighed and flopped back on the bed next to him.

“I don’t care,” he said suddenly. “Let’s do it. I could use an amazing orgasm.”


“Yeah.” He started to lie back on the sex ramp, but Courtney stopped him and pushed the ramp off the bed. It landed with a soft whomp on the floor, out of sight.

“All right, let’s do this,” she whispered. She raised her voice, relishing the desire written all over Shane’s face. “On your hands and knees, center of the bed, facing the camera so we can catch your expression.”

Shane laughed and did as he was told. “Anyone ever tell you you’d make a hell of a dominatrix?”

“All the time.”

She lubed up the toy and slowly, ever so carefully, inserted it inside him, watching his face, listening to the beautiful groans and moans he made when she turned the vibrator on.

“Oh my God, oh my God,” he cried. He came hard, his muscles tensing, standing out in stark relief, then relaxing completely. He fell over onto his side and looked up at her. “Wow. Just…wow.”

“It’s gonna be a huge seller,” she said in agreement.

“What else you got for me?” he asked, smiling in his postorgasmic haze. “I’m yours.”

“What about helping your kid brother?”

“Actually…it’s me who got into trouble. Gambling debts from a couple years ago. Stupid shit. I don’t do it anymore—I learned my lesson.” He paused. “I know you said the money for the calendar is already gone, but what if we worked something else out?”

Hmm. “If you’ll be my new model, I can give you a portion of the proceeds for future sales I make using your image,” she said.

Hell, that was better than having her mooching ex-boyfriend just take what he wanted from her bank account all the time. And it felt a lot more fair, too.

Tags: Skye Warren Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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